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Pest and Weed Central
Pest and Weed Central
Akebia is a twining vine or ground cover, with leaves of five oval shaped leaflets.
Alligator weed
Alligator weed is a perennial emergent aquatic plant that can also grow in terrestrial areas.
African club moss
African club moss is a creeping ground cover fern that spreads quickly, preventing seedling regeneration.
African feather grass
African feather grass is a perennial grass that forms large clumps up to two metres tall. From November to April, it produces long, thin flower heads
Agapanthus grows as clumps of arching, strap-like green leaves with a watery sap. It produces purplish-blue or white flowers on top of tall stalks.
Asiatic knotweed
Asiatic knotweed is a thicket-forming herb that can grow to 2m tall. It has zig-zagging stems and red-purple shoots which appear early in spring. As...
Banana passionfruit
Vigorous, evergreen, high-climbing vines grows up to 10 metres high.
Bathurst bur
Bathurst bur is a spiny plant that grows up to 1m tall.
Bat-wing passion flower
Bat-wing passion flower is an invasive, shade-tolerant vine. It has distinctive bat-wing shaped leaves that have a pale green stripe along the midrib.
Blue morning glory
High climbing vine with tough, hairy, twining, running stems with tough fibrous roots without rhizomes.
Yellow flag iris
Yellow flag iris is an aquatic plant that grows as leafy clumps up to 2m tall. The sword like leaves emerge in fans from a reddish purplish base....
Woolly nightshade
Woolly nightshade (also known as tobacco weed) is a shrub or small tree that can rapidly grow to 10 metres tall. It has large, greyish green leaves...
Wilding conifers
Conifers are woody plants that have cones instead of flowers. Leaves are needle like and have a resinous scent when crushed. They include cedars,...
Wild ginger
Both species of wild ginger are non-woody perennials, growing up to 2m tall from thick-branching rhizomes (swollen underground stems). Their dense...
Water hyacinth
Water hyacinth is a free-floating aquatic plant that can grow in dense mats. The leaves are glossy, green, leathery and up to 8cm across. The leaf...
Velvet groundsel
Velvet groundsel is a large shrub or bush up to 2m tall. It has round, lobed, hairy leaves that are up to 20cm across and feel soft and velvety to...
Tench were first introduced to New Zealand in 1867 as a sports fish. They grow to a large size in New Zealand, around 2kg. They are usually olive...
Taiwan cherry
Taiwan Cherry is a deciduous, spreading tree usually 3-8m tall when mature. Leaves are hairless, thin, usually 130x60mm with a long tapered tip. ...
Spartina is an estuarine grass that grows in clumps up 1.5 metres tall.
Senegal tea
Senegal tea is a hardy, semi-aquatic, perennial herb. It grows in damp soils, usually rooted on the edge of waterways but can also survive and...
Salvinia is a free-floating aquatic fern that forms large, dense mats. With its hairy leaves and floating habit it can be hard to recognise as a...
Rudd are stocky, deep bodied fish that are darker on their backs than on their bellies and have bronze highlights when the light catches their scales...
Rooks are black birds that are slightly larger than magpies. Adults are totally black except for their face, which has light-grey skin bare of...
There are two common species of rat found on mainland New Zealand; Norway rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) and ship rats ( Rattus rattus ): both have a...
Rainbow lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeets are a long tailed, brightly coloured parrot of about 30cm length. They have a bright red beak and eyes, a blue head (the most...
Rabbits are usually grey-brown in colour, with other colour varieties occasionally occurring in the wild. They may live in communal warrens...
Purple loosestrife
Purple loosestrife is an erect, summer-green perennial herb that grows 1-2 metres tall. The woody stems are square in cross-section, pink at the...
Possums are furry animals of medium to stout build with thick, bushy tails. Their bodies are 38-45cm long (65-95cm long including the tail) and...
Phragmites is an emergent aquatic and marginal perennial grass that grows up to 3m tall. It has bamboo-like stems which carry long, wide, flat leaves...
Periwinkle is a scrambling groundcover plant that resembles a vine. The trailing stems can grow more than 2m long and take root where they come in...
Old man’s beard
Old man’s beard is a deciduous climbing vine that grows up to 20 metres tall. It has woody stems with six prominent ribs and pale bark that rubs off...
Nassella tussock
Nassella tussock is a perennial tussock-forming grass with fine-bladed, tightly rolled, light green or yellowish-green leaves. Plants are erect when...
Stoats are the most common of the three mustelids present in New Zealand and can be devastating to populations of native birds and fauna
Mile-a-minute is an evergreen climbing vine. Each leaf is made up of three, roughly triangular to heart-shaped leaflets. Each leaflet is 3-9cm long...
Manchurian wild rice
Manchurian wild rice is a giant grass that grows up to 4m high. It has harsh, dull green leaves that are 1-2cm wide and grow in fans. The purplish...
Koi carp
Koi carp look a lot like goldfish except they grow to larger sizes (in New Zealand up to 10kg and 75cm long) and have two pairs of whisker-like...
Jasmine is an evergreen, scrambling climber that forms large, dense mats over trees and other structures. Leaves are opposite, usually with seven...
Houttuynia grows as a dense groundcover that spreads rapidly. The leaves are heart-shaped and up to 7cm long. They are usually multi-coloured in...
Holly-leaved senecio
Holly-leaved senecio, also known as Pink ragwort, is an erect perennial herb that grows up to 1.5m high. It has oval leaves, which are coarsely...
Himalayan honeysuckle
Himalayan honeysuckle is a shrub that grows up to 2m tall (it is not a vine, like Japanese honeysuckle).
Greater bindweed
Great bindweed is a scrambling, twining vine. From October to May it produces white, trumpet-like flowers that are up to 9cm in diameter.
Gorse is a deep-rooted, woody perennial shrub that can grow to 4m tall. It has densely spined branches and is woody when mature. Gorse has bright...
Giant knotweed
Giant knotweed is a large, thicket-forming herb that can grow up to 4m tall. It has large (up to 30cm long), heart-shaped leaves that are smooth on...
Giant hogweed
Giant hogweed is a perennial herb that can grow up to 6m tall and has large serrated leaves up to 50cm long.
German ivy
German Ivy is a scrambling or climbing vine that can reach heights of 5m.
Feral pig
All feral pigs in New Zealand are the descendents of domestic pigs. <br/> Feral pigs are distinctively shaped with large shoulders, small rear...
Feral goat
Feral goats vary in size and colour, and have a 'blocky' appearance, with stout strong legs designed for climbing.
Evergreen buckthorn
Evergreen buckthorn is a shrub or tree that can grow to 5m tall, but in exposed sites it may become a stunted shrub less than 1m tall.
English ivy
English ivy is an evergreen climber that can spread along the ground or climb trees, walls and other structures.
Elaeagnus is a dense, evergreen shrub that can scramble over supporting vegetation or structures to a height of 20m.
Eel grass
Eel grass is a submerged, bottom-rooted freshwater plant. It produces long, thick, strap-like leaves that are up to 3m long and 0.5-5cm wide.
Darwin's ant
Darwin's ant worker ants are about 2 mm long. They have a dark-brown head but the rest of the body and the legs are light brown.
Cotoneasters are long lived, evergreen shrubs up to approximately 3m tall.
Climbing spindle berry
Climbing spindleberry is a deciduous climber that grows up to 15m high.
Cats - feral and stray
Feral and stray cats are usually short-haired and slightly built, with a large head and sharp features.
Cathedral bells
Cathedral bells is a fast-growing evergreen climbing vine and can grow to 6m tall.
Cape tulip
Cape tulip is a perennial herb in the iris family. It produces shoots in winter, and dies back to an underground corm in early summer.
Cape ivy
Cape ivy is a hairless, scrambling, perennial plant which often forms a dense, tangled shrub growing 2-3m tall.
Cape honey flower
Cape honey flower is a clump-forming shrub, with stout, rough, hollow stems and a suckering root system.
Buddleia is a woody and deciduous ornamental shrub that grows up to 3m tall.
Brush wattle
Brush wattle is a short-lived tree, usually 5-10m tall. It has densely hairy twigs and bronze, hairy young shoots.
Brown bullhead catfish
Brown bullhead catfish are a dark brown to olive green colour with paler sides and bellies.
Broom is an upright, many-branched, almost leafless woody shrub, up to 3m tall.
Parrots feather
Parrot's feather is a submerged, bottom-rooted perennial aquatic herb. The top 10cm of foliage can be emergent, standing above the water. Sprawling...
Hares are easily distinguished from rabbits. They are much larger, with long, black-tipped ears and large muscular hindquarters.
Argentine ant
Argentine ant: worker ants are only 2–3 mm long and are a uniform honey-brown colour.
Moth plant
Moth plant is a fast-growing vine that can reach 10m tall. The twining stems release a milky sap when broken. The leaves are arranged in opposite...
Giant reed
Giant reed is a bamboo-like grass that can grow to 8m tall. It has a very strong, dense root structure that spreads outwards and downwards. Leaves...
Pampas grass
Pampas is a perennial, tussock-like grass. The two species ( Cortaderia jubata and Cortaderia selloana ) both have coarse abrasive leaves that are...
Nodding thistle
Nodding thistle is a biennial plant that grows from over-wintering rosettes and has a long, fleshy taproot. The flowering stems grow up to 1.5m tall...
Ragwort (also known as Senecio jacobaea ) is a member of the daisy family. It is an erect, annual to perennial herb and usually grows to 45-70cm...
Lagarosiphon (Oxygen Weed)
Submerged, bottom-rooting aquatic perennial up to 5 m. Leaves (16 x 2 mm) have minute serrations along the edges, are arranged spirally around the...
Submerged, bottom-rooting perennial growing to 9m, with slender, brittle and branched stems (1 mm diameter). Translucent, dark green leaves (6-12 x 2...
Magpies are a large black and white bird, with a distinctive warbling call. The black-backed magpie and the more predominant white-backed magpie...
Bushy, semi-woody, many branched shrub or small tree to 2-3 m with ribbed and woolly young stems that become smooth as they mature.
Climbing asparagus
Slender scrambling or climbing perennial with tuberous roots, and long green, thin, wiry stems (2-4 m long) that are much branched at the top.
Climbing dock
Scrambling or low-climbing perennial with brown kumara or beetroot-like tubers (5-20 cm long) with yellow flesh as well as extensive long weak rhizome
Japanese honeysuckle
Vigorous evergreen (semi-evergreen in cold districts) climber with long, tough, wiry stems that twine clockwise, are purplish and hairy when young,...
Mignonette vine
Also known as Madeira vine, this is a perennial, climbing, hairless, woody vine with fleshy rhizomes and slender, usually reddish stems with small...
Green goddess arum
Green goddess arum lily is a clump-forming perennial often found in damp areas and around waterways
Mexican devil
Erect, many-stemmed herb subshrub to 1-2 m with a perennial fibrous rootstock. Stems often die back in winter, are densely covered in stalked sticky...
Tuber ladder fern
Terrestrial or epiphytic fern which grows to 1m, with small, erect, scaly rhizomes which produce many long runners and round, 1-3 cm hairy...
This perennial groundcover has fleshy, dark green, shiny oval shaped leaves (3-6cm long), with pointed tips on succulent, creeping stems that root at...
Common wasp
Common wasps, Vespula vulgaris, are very similar in appearance to German wasps.
German wasp
The German Wasp, Vespula germanica, ranges in length from 12 – 17 mm, with a blackish brown abdomen and bright yellow stripes
Asian paper wasp
Paper wasps are distinguished by their body shape, which is slender and 13-25mm long. They have reddish-brown to black bodies with yellow rings and...
Ferrets are the largest of the three Mustelidae species present in New Zealand and are about 48-56cm long, including the tail.
Weasels are the smallest and least common of the three mustelids in New Zealand.
Bottom-rooted submerged perennial aquatic herb. Stems can be more than 3m in length.
Myrtle rust
Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) is a serious fungal disease that affects plants in the myrtle family (family Myrtaceae). The myrtle family...
Hornwort can grow from a single cell, making it particually invasive as it can be easily transferred between water bodies.
Blackberry is a scrambling, very thorny, semi-erect shrub that is usually deciduous, with large root crowns and long suckers. Stems are usually...
Sea spurge
Sea spurge is a long-lived herbaceous coastal plant native to Africa, temperate Asia, and many parts of Europe and is invasive in Australia. The...
Field horsetail
Field horsetail is an erect, colony-forming, primitive fern-ally that grows up to 80cm high and dies back in winter. <br/> Plants produce two types...
Sycamore is a large deciduous tree up to 20m tall, with a smooth trunk. Leaves are five-lobed, up to 20cm long, green but with reddish petioles up...
Velvetleaf is a summer-growing annual plant that can grow up to 1.5m tall or more. It has large, heart-shaped leaves, which are soft and velvety
Noogoora bur
Noogoora bur is a fast-growing summer annual that can reach heights of 2m - 2.5m. Its is named for the clusters of distinctive, egg-shaped burs that...
Scrambling or twining perennial with dense clusters of white, fleshy, tuberous roots and twisted, thin, wiry, branched green stems to 3m.
Feral deer
There are three main species of deer present in the Wellington region: Red deer, Sika deer and Fallow deer. <br/> Red deer are the largest of the...
Chilean rhubarb
Chilean rhubarb is a large, clump forming, rhubarb-like herb with large prickly leaves that can reach up to 2.5m tall. In winter, it dies back to...
Wallabies are small marsupial animals that look like miniature kangaroos. They are silver-grey to dark brown in colour. Wallabies live in scrub,...
Plague skink
Plague skinks (also known as rainbow skinks) are 3-4cm long from the tip of the nose to the hind legs, excluding the long thin tail. They are brown...
Ferny azolla
Azolla species are aquatic ferns that form free-floating reddish carpets over the surface of slow moving water and ponds. Ferny azolla has a very...
Canada geese
Canada Geese damage waterways and pasture and have no legal protection status. With landowner permission, anyone can humanely control them.
Gambusia (mosquito fish)
Gambusia are commonly called Mosquito fish due to the mistaken belief that they can help control Mosquito populations
House mouse
House mice are small, omnivorous generalists that reach approximately 30 g in weight and measure around 115 mm in length (without tail). They have a...
Hedgehogs are grey-brown in colour with their backs and sides entirely covered with spines. Most common in lowland and coastal areas; prefers dry...
Aluminium plant
Aluminium plant has square, purplish stems which creep along the ground (runners) and are densely hairy. Pleasant smelling, mint-like oval leaves (30...
Bomarea is a shade tolerant, multi-stemmed vine that arises from short underground rhizomes, which bear numerous tubers.
Chilean needle grass
Chilean needle grass is an invasive weed that takes over large areas if left uncontrolled.
Boxthorn is a densely branched, erect, evergreen shrub that grows to to 6 m tall. It has tough, woody stems alternately branched at square angles,...
Stiff, leafy, clump-forming evergreen or summergreen perennial with underground rhizomes.
Darwin's barberry
Darwin's barberry is a woody evergreen shrub that grows up to 5 metres tall.
Originally from South and Western Europe, Tutsan it is a small, perennial shrub growing to 1.5m with fibrous roots and no rhizomes.
Rough horsetail
Erect, colony-forming, summer-green perennial, primitive fern-ally to 2m tall with extensive, deep, freely branching rhizomes. Ridged, hollow stems...
Hawthorn is a deciduous shrub or small tree that grows up to 10m tall with much-branched stems that are hairless, reddish-brown when young, but...
Spanish heath
Spanish heath is a brittle and erect woody perennial shrub growing up to two metres high, establishing in habitats from near sea level up to 1,000...
Crack willow
Crack Willow is a deciduous tree growing to 25m tall. It has a spreading crown and multiple trunks. Bright red rootlets are present when the plant is...
Grey willow
Grey willow is a small deciduous shrub or tree growing up to 7m high. The leaves (20-70 x 15-35 m) are oval and serrated. Topsides of leaves are...
Holly is an evergreen, shrub or small tree (to 12 m tall). Glossy dark green leaves (3-10 cm long) alternate along the stem, are paler below, and...
The leaf is made up of sub-divided leaflets makes it look like a fern in the vegetative state. The stems of hemlock leaves have no hairs and also...
Spindle tree
Japanese spindle tree is a deciduous shrub or small tree to 6m tall with smooth, grey bark and young branches that are square, green and smooth....
Common barberry is an evergreen or semi-deciduous, spiny, yellow-wooded shrub to 4-5 m (occasionally 7m) tall. Stems are tough and woody, with...
Chilean flame creeper
Chilean flame creeper is a perennial vine with vibrant red flowers from November onwards, followed by deep blue fruits that are eaten by birds.
Apple of sodom
Apple of Sodom is a strong, spiny, woody, perennial shrub growing up to a metre or more tall.
Goat's rue
Goat's rue is a woody upright herbaceous perennial. Small oval shaped leaves are arranged in 4-9 pairs along the stem. Small pea like flowers appear...
Purple/Pink ragwort
Upright perennial (reaching 1m tall) with oval, coarsely toothed light green leaves and clusters of bright pink, purple, or mauve, daisy-like flowers...
Variegated thistle
Variegated thistle is a biennial thistle. It can grow up to 2.5 metres tall and more than 1 metre wide. Rosette leaves alternate on the stem, and can...
White-edged nightshade
White edged nightshade is a spiney, heavily branched perennial shrub, growing up to 5m tall forming dense thickets. It has woody stems, prickly...
Yellow bristle grass
Yellow bristle grass is an annual, upright growing grass 25 to 45cm tall. In open pasture its first leaves often grow parallel to the ground. Leaves...
Saffron thistle
Saffron thistle is an annual thistle. It has woody stems, prominent spines and small yellow flower heads. The flower heads have a downy texture, but...
Australian sedge
Australian sedge is a deep rooted, densely tufted sedge with harsh leaf edges that will cut fingers when pulled. Plants will form tussocks 30-90cm...
Blue Passionflower
Vigorous evergreen, high-climbing vine
Australian paper wasp
Australian paper wasps are slender with long thin wings. They are 10-15mm long (smaller than the Asian paper wasp) and reddish-brown. This species...
African fountain grass
The flowering stems (i.e. culms) are upright and either unbranched or sparsely branched. These stems arise from the base of the plant (i.e. the...
Low, much branched perennial shrub, with silvery-white leaves present year round. Flowers are yellow and daisy like. Scattered throughout New Zealand...
Californian arrowhead
Californian arrowhead is an upright, perennial aquatic herb that grows up to 1m tall on the margins of waterways in both salt and fresh water. The...
Californian bulrush
This is a large aquatic perennial sedge that grows up to 3m tall from dense woody rhizomes buried in bottom sediments, usually in tidal reaches of...
Chinese pennisetum
Chinese pennisetum is an erect, tufted, unpalatable grass which grows up to 1m high. Leaves are erect, light green on top and dark green underneath....
Delta arrowhead
Delta arrowhead is an emergent aquatic plant that grows up to 80 cm in height, and is found in flowing or still fresh water and in marshes and swamps...
Didymosphenia geminata (didymo), also known as "rock snot" is a freshwater diatom (a type of alga) and was first reported in New Zealand in the Lower...
Hawaiian arrowhead
Hawaiian arrowhead is a herbaceous aquatic perennial that is very similar to S. montevidensis, the difference being its production of rhizomes and...
Johnson grass
Johnson grass, native to the Mediterranean, is a perennial summer grass. Seedlings like young maize plants both in habit and growth pattern. Mature...
Marram grass
Coarse perennial grass forming stiff, hardy, dull grey clumps of erect stems ( <br/> Reproduces vegetatively and from seed. Rhizomes take root when...
Mexican daisy
Sprawling perennial daisy ( <br/> Forms dense mats and produces huge amounts of seed that travel for long distances. Wide ecological versatility,...
Mist flower
Mist flower is an erect or sprawling many-stemmed herb or subshrub ( <br/> It grows very densely and overtops groundcovers, is long-lived,...
Monkey apple
Monkey apple is a tree ( <br/> It is a long-lived species (100 yrs +) and produces a lot of seed that is well dispersed. Birds (especially pigeons)...
Scrambling or trailing, hairless, aromatic, annual or short-lived perennial, occasionally climbing to 2 m high, with succulent stems (to 10 m long)...
Perennial nettle
Perennial nettle stems are slightly branched at the top, slender, rigid, square, and covered with numerous stinging hairs. Leaves are opposite (7.5...
Trailing or straggling herb (occasionally subshrub) with stems covered in purple hairs that form runners and root at nodes. Hairy oval, textured...
Common polypody
Polypody is a low growing (up to 25cm tall) evergreen fern with fronds that grow from horizontal rhizomes. Triangular leathery leaflets are light...
Pyp grass
Pyp grass is a strongly rhizomatous perennial grass ( <br/>
Silver poplar
Medium sized deciduous tree. Young shoots are covered in down, including the buds. Leaves are 4-15cm long, 5-lobed and fuzzy - although this wears...
Stinking iris
Clump-forming perennial ( <br/> Birds spread the seeds, and rhizome fragments are spread by water. Both are spread by contaminated machinery, soil...
Sweet pea shrub
Evergreen legume-like shrub ( <br/> Fast growing, shades out low-growing coastal shrubs, and produces many, very long-lived seeds. Tolerates salt,...
White bryony
Soft, summer-green, cucumber-like vine ( <br/> Tuber fragments are spread by water and soil movement. Seed is spread by birds.
Onion weed
Grass-like perennial ( <br/> Seed and bulbs are spread via water and soil movement, dumped vegetation, contaminated machinery and nursery plants....
African olive
Dense bushy shrub or small tree ( <br/> Birds, possibly possums and livestock eat the fruit and spread the seeds. Common sources are gardens, hedges...
Arrow bamboo
Medium-sized, clump-forming perennial bamboo ( <br/> Spread is vegetative by growth of rhizome, viable seed is uncommon. <br/> <br/>
Ferny asparagus
Scrambling or climbing evergreen fern-like perennial with feathery flattened stems that look like leaves, in bunches of 7-20 from each stem node....
Brush cherry
Large shrub or small tree ( <br/> Prefers moderate to highly fertile, well-drained soils, but tolerates frost, salt, dry, wind, shade, and damage....
Curled pondweed
Submerged leaves alternate along a thin stem rooted in bottom sediments. Leaves are stalkless, oblong, grow up to 8cm long and are olive green to...
Elephant ear
Large perennial ( <br/> Limited distribution through seed drop near to parent plants, and occasionally through water. Clumps expand slowly through...
Italian arum
Clump-forming, winter-green perennial ( <br/> Seed is spread by birds and water, and tuber fragments form new plants. <br/>
Pigs ear
Pigs ear is a fast-growing succulent often found invading coastal slopes and beaches, outcompeting natives
Queensland poplar
Shrub or small tree ( <br/> Seed is spread by birds, water, and machinery, especially roadside mowers. <br/> <br/> <br/>
Rice paper plant
Rice paper plant is a fast-growing shrub with large, tropical-looking, palmate leaves and clusters of white flowers
Japanese aralia
An evergreen shrub growing to 1–5 m tall, with stout, sparsely branched stems. Large, leathery, spirally-arranged leaves 20–40 cm in width and on a...
Bushy asparagus
Two growth forms are known: (1) cultivar 'Sprengeri' is a trailing scrambler with stems to 2 m that are branched towards tips, and with sparse...
Erect, much branched, downy, perennial about 50 cm tall. Flowers are small with white petals and grow in dense clusters at regular intervals around...
Australian subterranean termite
About 4-7 millimetres in size but without the typical small ant 'waist'. These termites are found in trees and timber including landscape structures,...
Portuguese millipede
What does it look like? This millipede has a many-segmented, smooth cylindrical body ranging in colour from black/grey to light brown. When mature...
Horned poppy
Horned poppy is an annual or perennial herb. <br/> It starts as a tufted rosette, then produces stout, erect, hairless, bluish-green stems (20 cm to...
Delta maidenhair fern
The delta maidenhair fern is an exotic maidenhair fern - New Zealand has a number of native maidenhair fern species, and telling them apart can take...
Golden male fern
Golden male fern is an exotic fern species that has naturalised in New Zealand. Almost a dozen other exotic Dryopteris species are present, three...
Male fern
Male fern is an exotic fern species that has naturalised in New Zealand. Almost a dozen other exotic Dryopteris species are present, three of which...
cretan brake
Cretan brake is one of two naturalised exotic brake ferns in New Zealand, the other being Pteris vittata , ladder brake. We have a small number of...
Bear's breeches
This plant is a leafy, erect perennial herb growing up to 1.2m tall. <br/> It has thick roots and large, glossy, strongly lobed, dark green leaves...
Licorice plant
Licorice plant, sometimes called Helichrysum, is a scrambling, evergreen perennial shrub. <br/> The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network describes...
Tree lomatia
Tree lomatia is a tall shrub or small tree growing up to 11m tall in its native Australian habitat. <br/> Leaves are typically 6.5-15 cm long by...
The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network describes hops as a perennial climber with hairy stems up to 10m long and extensive roots. <br/> Leaves...
Pride of Madeira
Echium candicans , also known as Echium fastuosum is a large exotic herbaceous perennial shrub that forms a rosette in its first year of growth,...
Lady's slipper flower
Lady's slipper flower is an annual, herbaceous plant that naturalised in New Zealand in 1958 (NZPCN). <br/> It can grow to half a metre tall and a...
Golden dodder
Golden dodder is a parasitic twining vine with little or no chlorophyll ( NZPCN). <br/> The Department of Conservation describe the plant as ...
Phragmites karka
Phragmites karka is a perennial rhizomatous grass that can grow to heights of 4m tall in the open, or over 8m tall when supported by other...