Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 7th December 2000
  • Location Wellington
All Tags

Policy and Finance Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:56 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

Report of Committee

1. Wairarapa Flood Damage Subcommittee - 21 November 2000

Matters for Consideration

1. The Wishbone Study

2. Transport Funding Policy

3. Wellington Regional Council Proxy for WRC Holdings Ltd AGM

4. Summary of 2000 Audit - Report of Audit New Zealand

5. Financial Report for the Quarter Ended 30 September 2000

6. Communications Strategy

7. Stadium Trust - Annual Report 30 June 2000

8. Stadium Trust - Final Business Plan 2000

9. Stadium Trust - Is it a LATE or not?

10. Shelly Bay Update

11. Proposed Land Exchange - Hutt City Council

12. Year 2001 Meeting Programme

13. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Report of Committee

1. Landcare - 16 November 2000

Matter for Consideration

1. Correspondence: Wellington Regional Stadium WCC/WRC

End of record