Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Tuesday 29th August 2000
  • Location Masterton
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Rural Services Wairarapa Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:17 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies - John Dalziell

2. Public Participation

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting of the Rural Services and Wairarapa Committee held
on Tuesday, 18 July 2000.

Matter for Recommendation to Council

1. Section 230 Resolution - Surplus House, Stoney Creek

Matters for Committee Decision

1. Proposed New Rating Classification - Waiohine River Management Scheme

3. Hornwort - Lake Wairarapa Wetlands - Control Proposal

4. Motuwaireka Stream Water Quality Survey - Riversdale

5. Motuwaireka Lagoon Water Quality Improvement

Matters Reported for Information

1. Divisional Manager’s Report

2. Implementing the Regional Policy Statement: The Private Land Protection Programme

3. Proposed Solid Waste Management Plan for Wairarapa

4. Customer Satisfaction Survey - Consents

5. End of Year Summary - Policy and Planning Section

6. Financial Report for the Twelve Months to 30 June 2000

7. Resource Consents (Non Notified)

8. Statutory Planning

9. Catchment Works

10. Questions

11. General

12. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Matter for Information

1. Discharge to Air Investigation

End of record