Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 30th September 2015
  • Location Wellington
All Tags


Updated July 22, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of conflict of interest

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of the Public minutes of 25 August 2015

5. Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015

6. National Pest Pet Biosecurity Accord

7. Climate Change Strategy

8. Ramsar application for Wairarapa Moana Wetland complex

9. Establishment of a hearing panel to hear and decide on submissions on the Proposed Natural Resources Plan

10. Amendment of Treasury Risk Management Policy

11. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting, 8 September 2015

12. Report on the Sustainable Transport Committee 9 September 2015

13. Exclusion of the public

Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Public Excluded minutes of 25 August 2015

2. Property Acquisition - Belmont Regional Park

3. Property Purchase - Masterton

4. Property agreements - Waikanae

5. Appointments to committee and advisory body

6. The appointment and remuneration of the hearing panel for the Proposed Natural Resources Plan

7. Wairarapa Iwi Treaty Settlement negotiations - update

Restricted Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Restricted Public Excluded minutes of 25 August 2015

End of record