Committee meeting details

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  • Date 2:00PM Thursday 6th November 2008
  • Location Wellington
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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:31 PM

Public Business

1. Progress report: Audit of the CDEM Group's Emergency Operations Centres

2. CDEM Group meeting dates for 2009

3. CDEM Group Identification Cards

4. CDEM Group Appointments

5. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Planning

6. Business/Service Continuity Planning and Business Preparedness Survey 2008

7. Wellington CDEM Group support for the `It's Our Fault' project

8. Exercise Clean UP

9. Update on CDEM Group Public Education Initiatives

10. CDEM Group work programme progress report

11. Controller and Recovery Manager Training

12. Apologies

13. Priority Utility Sites for Response and Recovery

14. CDEM Group Sewage Disposal Guidelines

15. CDEM Group Debris Disposal Guidelines

16. CDEM Group Tsunami Evacuation Plan

17. CDEM Group Welfare Plan

18. CDEM Group Public Education Strategy

19. CDEM Group Recovery Plan

20. CDEM Group Reconnaissance Plan

21. Confirmation of Minutes of 8 May 2008

22. Public Participation


1. Public Information - presentation by Simon Marsh of Radioworks

2. Questions

3. General business

End of record