Mangaroa River Flood and Erosion Hazard Mapping

Greater Wellington Regional Council carried out a flood and erosion hazard assessment for the Mangaroa River in 2007. The hydraulic modelling information has been updated in 2015 by the consultancy Jacobs. (PDF 6.7 MB)  

Jacobs’ report has been  peer reviewed by Cardno (NZ) Ltd. (PDF 2.3 MB)

The  erosion hazard assessment from 2007 (PDF 1.7 MB)  has not been updated, as the peer reviewer considered the methodology and outputs are considered acceptable and in line with best practice. 

The 2007 flood and erosion hazard assessment was used to inform Plan Change 15 to the Upper Hutt City Council (UHCC) District Plan. Plan Change 15 was withdrawn in March 2016. The updated modelling report will be used to inform the new Proposed Plan Change 42  Mangaroa and Pinehaven Flood Hazard Extents

For more information about the flood and erosion hazard, please contact us at

For more information about UHCC Plan Change 42, please contact

Updated June 25, 2024 at 9:48 AM

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