Notice of meetings

Under section 46 of Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 , Council generally must, not more than 14 days and not less than 5 days before the end of every month, publicly notify a list of all meetings of the Council scheduled to be held in the following month (together with the dates on which, and the times and places at which, the meetings will be held). Extraordinary meetings must be publicly notified as soon as practicable before the meeting is to be held. 

About Council meetings

The legal requirements for Council meetings are set down in the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).

Agendas are available from our Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington office reception two days before each meeting or on our website.

Minutes of meetings must be kept as evidence of the proceedings of the meeting are made publicly available, subject to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Unconfirmed minutes are posted on our website with the agenda of the next meeting. To find out what decisions were made at a particular meeting you can also contact Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Democratic Services at

Meetings are open to the public, unless there is reason to consider items in public exclusion. These circumstances generally relate to protection of personal privacy, professional privileged or commercially sensitive information, and the maintenance of public health, safety and order. The Council agenda is a public document, but parts may be withheld if the above circumstances apply.

Members of the public may speak at meetings; however, there are limitations to speaking rights.

Standing Orders are set of procedures for conducting meetings and the Chair and councillors must follow them. The Chairperson is responsible for maintaining order at meetings and may remove any member of the public for disorderly conduct, or remove any member of Council who does not comply with standing orders. Council may suspend standing orders temporarily during a meeting by a vote of 75 per cent of the members present. The reason for the suspension shall be noted in the minutes of that meeting.

Updated March 28, 2023 at 3:23 PM

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