Management Structure

The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to employ a Chief Executive whose responsibilities are to employ other staff on behalf of the Council, to implement Council decisions and provide advice to the Council.

The Chief Executive

The Chief Executive is appointed by the Council in accordance with section 42 of the Local Government Act 2002. The Chief Executive is responsible for implementing and managing the Council's policies and objectives within the budgetary constraints established by the Council. In terms of section 42 of the Act, the responsibilities of the Chief Executive are to:

  • Implement the decisions of the Council
  • Provide advice to the Council
  • Ensure that all responsibilities, duties and powers delegated to the Chief Executive or to any person employed by the Chief Executive, or imposed or conferred by any Act, regulation or bylaw, are properly performed or exercised
  • Manage the activities of Greater Wellington Regional Council effectively and efficiently (within budgetary decisions made by Council)
  • Maintain systems to enable effective planning and accurate reporting of the financial and service performance of Greater Wellington Regional Council
  • Provide leadership for the staff of Greater Wellington Regional Council
  • Employ staff on behalf of the Council and negotiate their terms of employment

Under the Local Government Act 2002, the Chief Executive is the only person who may lawfully give instructions to a staff member.  Any complaint about individual staff members should therefore be directed to the Chief Executive, rather than to councillors.

Group Structure

Council management is organised into eight groups, representing the different functions that the Council has. The Executive Leadership Team consists of the Chief Executive, the group managers, Chief Financial Officer, the Manager of Customer Engagement, and the Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive.

Environment Group

The Environment Group is responsible for environment management, including protection and enhancement of biodiversity, water, land and air quality and enhancing the resilience of the region from flood events. 

The Group Manager is Lian Butcher


Metlink is responsible for delivery of public transport, as well as long term planning of public transport.

The Group Manager is Samantha Gain


The Strategy Group is responsible for governance and democracy services, regional transport planning, strategic and corporate planning, Council Controlled Organisation management and economic development, business resilience, and climate change planning.

The Group Manager is Luke Troy

People and Customer

 The People and Customer Group is responsible for: customer contact, customer engagement, health and safety, and human resources.

The Group Manager is Donna Hickey

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Group is responsible for: finance, information and communications technology, legal, procurement and asset management, programme management office, and water supply

The Group Manager is Sue McLean

Te Hunga Whiriwhiri

Te Hunga Whiriwhiri is responsible for Māori and iwi relationships.

The Group Manager, Te Pou Whakarae, is Monica Fraser

Updated May 24, 2023 at 11:11 AM

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