Committee meeting details

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  • Date 2:00PM Monday 22nd May 2006
  • Location Masterton
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Rural Services Wairarapa Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:22 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies - Cr Turver

2. Public Participation

3. Confirmation of minutes of meeting of the Rural Services and Wairarapa Committee held on 14 March 2006

Matter for Recommendation to Council

1. Catchment Schemes Rating Reviews

Matters for Committee Decision

1. Lower Wairarapa Valley Development Scheme - Rating Classification

2. Kopuaranga River Enhancement Project

3. Rough Hill / Wairangi Fence

4. Targeted Scheme Rates and Balances

Matters Reported for Information

1. Divisional Managers' Report Report (includes presentation on Conceptual Groundwater Model)

2. Regional Council Input into District Planning

3. Resource Consents (Non-Notified)

4. Questions

5. General

End of record