Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 11th June 2008
  • Location Wellington
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Regional Sustainability Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:29 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies

2. Conflict of Interest declarations

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of the Minutes of 30 April 2008

5. Sustainable development and the Long-Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP)
(Presentation by Mike Reid, LGNZ)

6. Key issues for the future of the Wellington Region (Presentation by Mike Gould, Chairperson, Futures Thinking Aotearoa)

7. Sustainable Energy Strategy for the Wellington Region: Update

8. Key Native Ecosystem - Operational Update

9. Wellington Regional Strategy update and Genuine Progress Index (GPI) project

10. General

End of record