Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 23rd November 2000
  • Location Wellington
All Tags

Regional Land Transport

Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:56 PM

Public Business

1. Procedural Items

2. Apologies
Mr H Royds and Ms P Warren

3. Public Participation

4. Confirmation of Minutes of meeting on 31 August 2000

Matters for Decision

1. 1999/2000 Annual Report on the Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy

Matters for Information

1. Financing Options for Transmission Gully - Presentation by Pricewaterhouse Coopers

2. Wairarapa Corridor Study

3. Hutt Corridor Plan

4. Transit New Zealand Wellington Regional Office Report

5. Transfund New Zealand Report

6. Land Transport Safety Authority Wellington Region Road Safety Report

7. Ms D Kennedy will be making a presentation on the recently released Road Safety Strategy 2010

8. Implications for the RLTS from Tranz Rail Announcements

9. Telework Investigation - Known Trials and Case Studies

10. The Wishbone Study

11. Regional Land Transport Subcommittee - 13 September 2000

12. Notice of Motion - Councillor Gibson

End of record