Committee meeting details

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  • Date 1:30PM Thursday 24th August 2000
  • Location Wellington
All Tags

Policy and Finance Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:17 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies
Councillors Allen and Bonner

Matters for Consideration

1. CentrePort - 2000/01 Statement of Corporate Intent

2. WRC Holdings Limited - 2000/01 Draft Statement of Corporate Intent

3. Elected Members’ Remuneration - New Ministerial Determination

4. Possible Submissions on Hutt Mana Energy Trust’s Strategic Plan

5. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Matters for Consideration

1. Divisional and Corporate Managers’ Performance and Remuneration Reviews for 1999/00 Financial Year together with Performance Criteria Confirmation 2000/2001

2. General Manager’s Performance and Remuneration Review for 1999/00 Financial Year & Performance Criteria for 2000/2001

3. Local Government New Zealand - Matters Relating to Resignation of Chief Executive

4. Upper Hutt Depot

End of record