Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Monday 25th September 2006
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:23 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

2. Public participation

3. Confirmation of the Minutes of 10 August 2006

Matters for Recommendations

1. Chrystalls Extended Stopbank - Funding Agreement with the Kapiti Coast District Council

Matters for Decision

1. Waitohu Stream study - summary report and recommendations

Matters for Information

1. Western Rivers Asset Management report for 2005/06

2. Western Rivers Floodplain Management Plans Implementation Annual progress report to June 2006

3. Waiwhetu Stream Advisory Committee - 7 September 2006

4. Divisional Manager's Report - Catchment Management

5. Divisional Manager's Report - Water Supply, Parks and Forests

Other Matters

1. Questions

2. General

End of record