Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 8th March 2001
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:56 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

2. Public Participation

3. Confirmation of Minutes, the public excluded parts to remain confidential

4. 1 February 2001

5. Ordinary Council

6. Special Policy and Finance

7. 14 February 2001

8. Special Council

9. Special Policy and Finance

10. 15 February 2001

11. Special Council

12. Special Policy and Finance

13. 19 February 2001

14. Special Council

15. Special Policy and Finance

16. Chairman’s Report

Reports of Committees

1. Policy and Finance Committee - 8 March 2001

2. Landcare - 8 February 2001

3. Passenger Transport - 9 February 2001

4. Rural Services and Wairarapa - 16 February 2001

5. Report of the Utility Services Committee 19 February 2001

6. Environment - 22 February 2001

Matters for Consideration

1. Use of Official Seal

2. Question Time:

3. Notices of Motion

4. Councillor Gibson

5. Councillor Shaw

6. General

7. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Report of Committee

1. Rural Services and Wairarapa - 16 February 2001

End of record