Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 15th December 2011
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:55 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies: Councillor Laidlaw

2. Declarations of conflict of interest

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of Council minutes of 26 October 2011

5. Confirmation of the public and public excluded Council minutes of 1 November 2011

6. Confirmation of extraordinary Council minutes of 30 November 2011

Strategy/Policy/Major Issues

1. Porirua Harbour and Catchment Strategy and Action Plan

2. Regional Council Centre seismic evaluation update


1. Finance report for the three months ending 30 September 2011

2. Financial report for the four months ending 31 October 2011

3. Debenture Trust Deed - Delegations


1. The Friends of the Waiwhetu Stream - terms of reference


1. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 27 October 2011

2. Report on the Environmental Wellbeing Committee meeting held on 22 November 2011

3. Report on the Social and Cultural Wellbeing Committee meeting held on 23 November 2011

4. Report on the Economic Wellbeing Committee meeting held on 24 November 2011

5. Report on the Te Upoko Taiao-Natural Resource Management Committee meeting held on 29 November 2011

6. Report on the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee meeting held on 30 November 2011

7. Report on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting held on 7 December 2011

8. Exclusion of the public

Public Excluded Business

1. Purchase of Property - Chrystalls Extended Stopbank - Otaki River

2. Request for a remission of rates

3. Rail Services

Restricted Public Excluded Business

1. Restricted public excluded minutes of Chief Executive Employment Review Committee

End of record