Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 12th December 2012
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:52 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of conflict of interest

3. Public participation

4. Confirmation of the public and public excluded Council minutes of 7 November 2012

Strategy/Policy/Major Issues

1. Wellington Local Government Reform

2. Bulk water supply development 2012

3. Emergency water supply

4. Timetable for implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management


1. Shareholder resolutions in lieu of Annual General Meeting


1. Report on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting 8 November 2012

2. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting 8 November 2012

3. Report on the Environmental Wellbeing Committee meeting 27 November 2012

4. Report on the Economic Wellbeing Committee meeting 29 November 2012

5. Report on the Te Upoko Taiao-Natural Resource Management Committee meeting 4 December 2012

6. Exclusion of the public

Public Excluded Business

1. Water Supply Group Office Accommodation

2. Rail Services

3. Possible forestry cutting rights sale

4. Appointment of member to the Greater Wellington Farming Reference Group

End of record