Committee meeting details

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  • Date 10:00AM Wednesday 27th October 2010
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:49 PM

Public Business

1. Powhiri

2. (David Benham, Chief Executive, in Chair)

3. Apologies

4. Declarations by Councillors

5. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

6. Procedure to elect the Council Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

7. Election of Chairperson

8. Declaration by newly-elected Chairperson

9. Newly-elected Chairperson to take the chair

10. Election of Deputy Chairperson

11. Address by Hon Christopher Finlayson, Attorney- General, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

12. Laws affecting Councillors

13. Adjournment - Council to adjourn to 18 November 2010

End of record