Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua Committee meets regularly. The meetings are open to the public and workshops are closed to the public. The agenda will be available on this web page one week before each meeting, and meeting papers will be available shortly after.

Over 2015-18 the committee went on a number of field trips around the catchment and a series of meetings to learn about and discuss such things as:

  • Collaborative working, demographics, communications and engagement;
  • Relevant policy and national guidelines and legislation;
  • Local authority roles, and local projects;
  • Historical and archaeological impacts, cultural use and health monitoring – rāhui and mahinga mātaitai;
  • Stormwater and wastewater networks – flooding, climate change, sediment, contaminants and water quality;
  • Hydrology and water use;
  • Marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology and biodiversity, and,
  • Land-use history and future planning, forestry, Transmission Gully (Wellington Gateway Partnership), future development and transport infrastructure.

They are anticipating completing the Whaitua Implementation Programme in August 2018.

Updated August 4, 2022 at 4:34 PM

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0800 496 734