
More Park & Ride to meet Waikanae commuter demand

  • Published Date 16 Jun 2015

An end to parking woes at Waikanae Station is in sight with a decision today by Greater Wellington Regional Council to buy the land on which the Waikanae Hotel currently…

Information flows at River Scheme AGMs

  • Published Date 08 Jun 2015

Last week eight of Wairarapa's ten river scheme committees met in in Masterton to discuss work programmes for 2015/16, elect chairmen, agree scheme rates and understand more about riverworks resource…

First of Wellington's newest trains arrive

  • Published Date 25 May 2015

The first pair of two-car units from Wellington’s new batch of Matangi trains arrived by boat from Korea yesterday morning (Sunday 24 May).

Wairarapa Moana Winter Newsletter

  • Published Date 20 May 2015

Here's a copy of the lastest issue of the Wairarapa Moana NEWS (Winter 2015) (PDF 615 KB) . Read about recent community events, workshops, surveys and other updates.

Yesterday's rainfall: by the numbers

  • Published Date 15 May 2015

Yesterday's rain in some places was the heaviest seen for more than 50 years, Greater Wellington Regional Council's rainfall and river level monitoring equipment showed.

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