Supporting restoration around Wairarapa Moana

  • Published Date 13 Oct 2015

Greater Wellington Regional Council has launched a new contestable fund to support community groups in their efforts to restore native plants to public land around Wairarapa Moana. This area has a range of important ecosystems with the bush, wetland and coastal habitats supporting a diverse range of species including some 'threatened' and 'at risk' birds, fish and plants.

Wairarapa Moana benefits from the attention of a passionate group of community volunteers, who protect, restore and maintain it. The Restoration Fund will support these groups to move their projects forward more quickly and encourage new ones to begin.

"The GWRC Restoration Fund recognises the need to support the invaluable work that many volunteers undertake on behalf of the wider community. Planting days can be a fun and rewarding time, but work goes on year round to protect the plants and keep them free of pests and weeds," says Tim Porteous GWRC Biodiversity Manager.

"Restoration work can be very labour intensive. Providing the funding to kick-start some projects will see this investment grow exponentially through the efforts of our volunteer groups."

Restoration planting supports a number of GWRC's objectives. Preventing fine soil, which often carries pollutants, from running into our waterways is a priority. Planting in public places not only looks nice it also provides habitats for birds and animals as well as creating recreational opportunities for the wider community and helps with management of pest plant species.

Grants from the GWRC Restoration Fund can be used for native plants, materials to grow more native plants, pest plant and animal control, tools and refreshments for working bees. Groups will continue to benefit from the support and advice of GWRC staff.

To see if your project is eligible download an application form Applications for 2015 funding close Monday 2 November.

Applicants can call Toni de Lautour, GWRC Biodiversity Advisor: 06 826 1535 or

ENDS Contact: Media phone: 021 914 266


Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:22 AM

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