Registrations on the move for Movin'March

  • Published Date 08 Feb 2019

This year's Movin'March is building early momentum, with 104 schools already registered for the month-long challenge, four weeks before the end of February deadline for registration. That's almost half of the primary and intermediate schools in the Wellington region.

"We've got 13 more schools than we had by close of registration last year, which shows increasing interest among teachers in encouraging students to get active on their journeys to school," says Kirsty Barr, a Travel Choice Coordinator at Greater Wellington Regional Council.

"We've got more than double the number of schools from Porirua this year, so Movin'March has been really taking off there - well done Porirua teachers."

Movin'March is a free month-long challenge run by Greater Wellington Regional Council in partnership with local councils which focusses on encouraging walking, cycling and scooting to school.

As well as providing a fun way to get to and from school, walking and "wheeling" helps students improve independence, physical well-being and mental health, decision-making, risk assessment and road safety skills.

"A lot of schools are dealing daily with congestion and road safety issues because driving is the main way students get to school. Movin'March is a chance to turn that around and schools are seeing changes beyond March as a result.  It also instils good travel habits that children can build on for healthier life choices in the future."

Interest will be maintained for students throughout the month through a range of activities. "WOW" (Walk or Wheel) Passports are stamped each time students walk or wheel to school, with 6 x $300 Avanti vouchers up for grabs as well as prizes for the highest ranking schools in each district.

Daily prizes are also on offer for the parent photo competition (family passes to a Wellington Wild Thing Destination), and for the best artworks submitted by students.

"While much of the push towards walking or wheeling comes from school based competitions, parents have a key role to play in getting their kids involved. We actively encourage them to try walking or wheeling even if it's just one day a week. If families live too far away, then parking a bit further away from school and walking the last few minutes still helps with congestion and gets kids active."

Updated April 28, 2022 at 10:42 AM

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