Movin'March registrations open: encourage students to get active in 2020

  • Published Date 05 Dec 2019

Earlybird Registrations for Greater Wellington Regional Council's Movin'March are open and schools are being encouraged to sign up to the month-long initiative to encourage students to walk, cycle and scoot to school.

Greater Wellington Travel Choice Coordinator Kirsty Barr says so far 81 schools have jumped on board, and schools across the region have until December 13 to sign up to be in the draw to win one of six $100 Prezzy Cards.

"Movin'March 2019 saw 125 schools & over 33,000 students take part in this initiative. But this year we are aiming even higher.

"Our theme for 2020 is "planet-friendly", so we have put plastic in the past and have a whole new range of merchandise and spot prizes which are kinder on the planet.

"Children who took part in this year's Movin'March let us know that they were keen to be more environmentally-friendly so we decided that distributing air-freighted plastic items that would end up in a landfill was the wrong way to go," Kirsty says.

Movin'March 2020 will also see new competitions involving older primary aged children, more classroom resources, more te Reo on the Movin'March website and more prizes than ever before.

"This year there were an incredible 105,798 walk and wheel trips logged by students across the region & next year we hope to see that number grow even further.

"We encourage all schools to get involved and inspire their students to get active," Kirsty says.

For more information on the active month, visit

Updated April 27, 2022 at 2:35 PM

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