Metlink introduces six month bus trial between Wellington Station and the Zoo

  • Published Date 11 Jan 2019

Metlink is introducing a six month trial bus service between Wellington Station and the Zoo on 3 February 2019.

The hourly service, named the 23z, will run between Wellington Station and Wellington Zoo, snaking its way down Courtenay Place, round the Basin Reserve and finally up Newtown to the Zoo and will operate seven days a week.

Chair of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Sustainable Transport Committee Barbara Donaldson says the idea of a trial service comes from productive discussions with the Zoo and local residents.

"We've been listening to what people have been telling us, the zoo is absolutely one of the top attractions in the region, and a direct service from Wellington Station was the preferred solution from of a range of options."

Metlink is promoting the new trial service to families across the region, tourists and residents close to the zoo in an information campaign, starting 21 January, encouraging them to make the most of the service over the next six months.

"Increased patronage will be the defining success factor for the trial. If people use the service we will make it a permanent part of the network," says Cr Donaldson. 

The trial service is in addition to the existing 23 and 23e services along parts of the same route.

Since the launch of the new network in July a range of actions have already been implemented to improve travel to Wellington Zoo for bus customers, including signage, online information and a zoo themed bus shelter in Newtown.

The 23z service goes live 3 February, 2019 and customers are encouraged to check the Metlink website and app for timetable information before travelling.

Updated April 28, 2022 at 10:47 AM

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