Freshwater Hui a success

  • Published Date 07 Jun 2019

Biodiversity lovers across the region gathered at a Wellington Freshwater Hui on Friday to discuss freshwater and fish monitoring with the aim of improving our region’s environment.

The Hui titled "Te upoko o te ika - inside the head of the fish", held at Lower Hutt Events Centre was organised by Mountains to Sea Wellington Trust thanks to funding from Greater Wellington Regional Council and Ministry for the Environment (MfE).

Minister of Conservation and Land Information Eugenie Sage opened the event, announcing $270,000 of funding from MfE's Community Environment Fund over the next three years for the Trust's work on freshwater.

Greater Wellington senior biodiversity advisor Jo Fagan says this Hui was an opportunity for agency experts and community groups, working to improve fresh water health, to learn from each other.

"This year the Hui focussed on native fish including habitat restoration, re-establishing fish passage, and monitoring native fish to demonstrate the effectiveness of restoration projects.

"There were also workshops and speeches about connecting community restoration projects and understanding Maori perspectives.

Jo says it is great to be able to offer support and funding to not-for-profit organisations such as Mountains to Sea Wellington Trust.

"They offer education programmes empowering school students to learn about and improve the health of their streams and marine areas. They also work with community groups across the region who want to do their part to improve biodiversity."

Mountains to Sea Wellington director Zoe Studd says the free Hui encouraged community organisations to continue their good work.

"This was an opportunity to empower communities by allowing them to collaborate and expand on the fantastic work they are already doing such as planting around waterways and caring for our streams.

"We had some great speakers on the day who covered a range of topics including freshwater monitoring, investigating native fish and mana whenua values," Zoe says.

Mountains to Sea will use the MfE funding to enhance education programmes and availability right across the region and offer more community-focused restoration support.

Updated April 28, 2022 at 9:28 AM

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