Findings from Eastern suburbs bus network review now available

  • Published Date 16 Sep 2019

Findings from the Eastern suburbs bus network review community sessions were tabled at Greater Wellington Regional Council's Sustainable Transport Committee today.

The bus network review, undertaken to fully understand the impact of the July 2018 bus network changes, is focused on people's experiences of timetabling, bus routes and the hub transfer system.

Themed findings showed the most pressing issues for people using public transport in the Eastern suburbs were the lack of buses between the Miramar peninsula, Newtown and the Hospital; navigating the hub system and transfers; overcrowding, reliability and frequency of services. 

In line with the co-design approach of the engagement process, route ideas were canvassed with over 300 people over eight days in Strathmore, Kilbirnie, Hataitai and Miramar during late July.

Cr Barbara Donaldson, Chair of Greater Wellington's Sustainable Transport Committee welcomed the update.

"Having visibility of the personal and collective stories of Eastern suburbs bus customers is a significant step forward. Our review team have been moved by the generosity and openness with which people have shared their stories and by the effort they have put into the engagement process," said Cr Donaldson. 

"It fills out the picture, validates feedback we have collected throughout the year, and shows what is working and what isn't working in the Eastern suburbs.  We also have a clearer understanding of what changes will potentially have the greatest benefit to the wider community," added Cr Donaldson.

Along with the community session findings, analysis of the Eastern suburbs online survey will be included in a final whole of city report in December.

The bus network review engagement concludes on midnight Sunday 22 September when the Have Your Say online survey closes.

View the Eastern suburbs community sessions summary

Complete the Have Your Say online survey for any part of the Wellington city area

Updated April 27, 2022 at 3:44 PM

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