Council disappointed with wildly inaccurate reports on rates

  • Published Date 23 Sep 2019
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  • News article topic Rates

Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair Chris Laidlaw today expressed his disappointment with wildly inaccurate reports of a 15 per cent rate hike for 2020/21.  

"It is disappointing to see a constructive, informal Council discussion being misrepresented and used for presumably petty political gain at election time," said Cr Laidlaw.

The briefing reaffirmed progress on the Council's Long Term Plan, including achieving the rating levels envisaged in the 2019/20 annual plan, and not a 15 per cent rate hike for the following year, as reported. 

Council was briefed on management's view of the rating impacts of a range of emerging initiatives and issues under early consideration so that sensible strategic priority decisions can be made. Council was also briefed on management initiatives underway to tightly control expenditure, through careful phasing of major regional projects.  

"Suggestion of any fixed rating level for next year is ill informed scaremongering. Ratepayers know that Council will need to consult the community on how and where spending occurs through its Annual Plan process before rates are set."

Briefings to Council occur throughout the year as part of prudent management practices.

Key messages for the incoming Council were also developed as part of the democratic processes that guide Greater Wellington as a local government entity.

"Setting out the key activities, commitments and outstanding decisions is established good practice from the outgoing Council to the new," added Cr Laidlaw.

Updated April 27, 2022 at 3:41 PM

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