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  • Date 7:00PM Wednesday 24th May 2023
  • Location Online - see below for webinar link
  • Duration 1 hour
  • Cost Free
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Pest plants and community weed control innovations in Wellington region

Join us for Webinar 4 of the Restoration Week te taiao webinar series: Pest plants and community weed control innovations.

This webinar will be kicked off by Wellington City Council biosecurity specialist Illona Keenan.

Guests include, Stu Farrant (Mt Victoria Tradescantia Control), Nigel Charman (Old Man’s Beard Free Wellington) and Brian Walters (Te Raekaihau Organic Weed Control), and Joakim Liman (Te Motukairangi on planting restoration on Miramar Peninsular) sharing updates and innovations. 

See more details on Facebook.

Log in to the webinar.

Te taiao webinar series includes 6 one-hour sessions run over 6 days. Each day will focus on a separate key area of te taiao restoration across the Wellington region.

Hosted by Nick Tansley, local experts will be sharing updates on various topics including waterways, coastlines, pest animals, pest plants, community successes, and the future of restoration across the region.

Settle in from home with a cuppa and join the kōrero! You’ll also have the chance to go in the draw for some great free giveaways.

This series is brought to you by Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington as part of Restoration Week 2023.

Contact: restorationday@gw.govt.nz

A crowd of volunteers with young plants in the foreground, overlaid with the title Restoration Week 2023

Updated May 19, 2023 at 12:58 PM