Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 28th June 2007
  • Location Wellington
All Tags

Policy, Finance and Strategy Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:26 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

2. Public Participation

Matters for Decision

1. Loan to Regional EDA Limited

2. Loans for refurbishment of Wellington Urban Rail System and Wairarapa Rail Carriages

3. Fire and rescue services re-organisation submission

5. WRC Holdings Limited Final Statement of Intent

6. WRC Holdings Ltd - Dividends

7. Greater Wellington's Communication Policy for the 2007 pre-election period

8. Greater Wellington Regional Council Standing Orders 2007

9. Review of 2006-16 LTCCP document and preparation process

10. Resource Management Charging Policy

Matter for Information

1. Review for the eleven months ended 31 May 2007

Other Matters

1. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Matters for Decision

1. Refinancing of the Stadium Loan

2. Appointments to the Wellington Regional Stadium Trust (To Come)

3. Refurbishment and Reconfiguration of the Regional Council Centre

End of record