Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Tuesday 5th August 2003
  • Location Wellington
All Tags

Policy, Finance and Strategy Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:11 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

Matters for Consideration

1. Use of the Rating Information Database for Resource Management and Other Purposes

2. Resource Consent Processing Delegations

3. Social Marketing Campaign - Progress Update

4. Aquaculture discussion document

5. Regional Sustainable Urban Development Strategy: Report Back on Potential Structures

6. Dairying and Clean Streams Accord: Regional Action Plan

7. Approval of Regional Plan Changes

8. Transmission Gully Review Process

9. CentrePort - 2003/04 Draft SCI

10. Exclusion of the Public

Public Excluded Business

Matters for Consideration

1. Stadium Trust - Appointment of Trustees

2. CentrePort Property Matters (to come)

3. Flood Protection Depot Lower Hutt

End of record