Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Thursday 14th June 2001
  • Location Wellington
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Policy and Finance Committee

Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:57 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

2. Councillor Shields (Absent on other Local Government Business)

Matters for Consideration

1. Chairman's Recommendations

2. Exclusion of the Public

3. Report of Public Part of Subcommittee meeting held on 7 June 2001

4. Appointment of a General Manager from 1 January 2002: -

5. Stadium Trust - Draft Business Plan 2001/02

6. Supplementary Report

7. Report Back on Consultation

8. Report from Councillors Shaw and Laidlaw

9. Water Services Integration Proposal Reports:

10. Regional Economic Development Update

11. Finalisation of Long-Term Financial Strategy 2001 Update and 2001/2002 Annual Plan

12. Possible Enhancement of the Key Native Ecosystems Programme

14. Masterton Train Services

15. Additional Kick Start Funded Transport Projects

16. Bulk Water Levy 2001/2001 and End of Year Adjustment 2000/2001

17. Policy and Finance Subcommittee - 6 & 7 June 2001

18. Kapiti Coast Grey Power Association (Submission No 7)

19. Oral Submission

Public Excluded Business

Matter for Consideration

1. Appointment of a General Manager from 1 January 2002: -

2. Report of Public Excluded Part of Subcommittee meeting held on 7 June 2001

3. Stadium Trust - Appointment of Trustees

End of record