Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Tuesday 11th June 2002
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 3:59 PM

Public Business

Procedural Items

1. Apologies

2. Public Participation

3. Confirmation of minutes of meeting held on 23 April 2002,
the public excluded to remain confidential

Matter for Recommendation

1. Otaki River : Chrystalls Extended Stopbank Report

Matter for Decision

1. Wellington Conservation Board (WCB) Meeting: 19 April 2002

Matters for Information

1. 2001/02 Capital Works Programme

2. Parks and Forests Marketing Strategy Update

3. Divisional Manager’s Report

4. Questions

5. General

6. Public Excluded

Public Excluded Business

Matter for Recommendation

1. Hutt River : Ava to Ewen Reach Improvements
Strand Park Land Purchase

End of record