Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:00AM Friday 28th August 2015
  • Location Council Chamber, Upper Hutt City Council
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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Updated July 22, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Public Business

1. Apologies

2. Public participation

3. Confirmation of the minutes of 26 June 2015

4. Presentation on the Joint Centre for Disaster research (Massey University/GNS Science)

5. Sea level rise and the effects of El Nino

6. The Regional Natural Hazards Strategy

7. Tsunami planning

8. CDEM training

9. NZ Shakeout - 15th October 2015

10. WREMO Annual Report (1 July 14 to 30 June 15)

11. Next meeting: 13 November 2015

End of record