Public transport

Whether you drive, walk, or take the train or bus, you need a good transport system. We fund bus and train services and we plan the roading network so that it's easier for you to get to places when you want to. Public transport helps reduce congestion on our roads, lowering travel times and pollution and enhancing public safety.

Water supply

Greater Wellington collects and treats all the drinking water that Wellington, Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua city councils supply to consumers.

Please note: Our water supply costs are not funded from regional rates; they are billed to those councils directly. Each council's share of annual costs is estimated from their city's actual water use during that year. At the end of the year there will be an adjustment for actual use by each city.

Looking after the environment

The region's natural resources land, water, air, energy sustain our lives. We help people use these resources appropriately so they don't damage the environment and enough is left for our children.  We work with landowners to reverse the decline caused by introudced pest animals and plants.  We also promote land conservation and help the rural economy by controlling possums to stop the spread of Bovine Tb.

Protecting people from flooding

The region's many rivers mean homes, farmland, jobs, livelihoods and property can be at risk from flooding. We help communities to protect themselves from the effects of flooding.

Regional leadership

Our regional leadership role includes activities such as emergency management, economic development, and relationships with Māori.  These activities, and others, contribute towards achieving a strong economy, a healthy environment, and resilient, connected and engaged communities.

Providing parks and forests

If you want to escape the city's hustle, you can visit a regional park or forest. We ensure thousands of people every year can enjoy these special places and we look after their environmental and historical features.

Updated September 8, 2021 at 4:52 PM

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