Consultations / Submissions
Submissions received in total: |
156 |
Submissions received on time: (19 August - 5:00pm 14th October 2022) |
142 |
Submissions received late: |
14 |
Withdrawn Submissions: 1
Key Documents
- Public Notice - Proposed Change 1 to the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region – open for submissions - 19 August 2022 (PDF 211 KB)
- Form-5_Greater-Wellington-Regional-Council-Regional-Policy-Statement-Plan-change-Submission-Form (PDF 293 KB)
- Privacy-Statement-RPS-Proposed-Change-1 (PDF 218 KB)
Late Submissions:
Received after 5pm 14 October 2022
Submitter No. | Submitter Name |
S157 | BP Oil NZ Ltd, Mobil Oil Ltd and Z Energy Ltd |
S161 | Grant O’Brien |
S169 | Kahungunu ki Wairapapa |
S158 | Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities |
S159 | Mangaroa Peatland Focus Group_Antony & Jemma Ragg |
S160 | Mangaroa Peatland Focus Group_Jen & Chris Priest |
S166 | Masterton District Council |
S164 | Megan Lane |
S170 | Te Runganga o Toa Rangatira (Ngāti Toa) |
S168 | Rangitāne o Wairarapa |
S165 | Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc. (Forest & Bird) |
S144 | Sustainable Wairarapa Inc |
S167 | Taranaki Whānui |
S162 | Winstone Aggregates |
RPS Change 1 submission - Memorandum to grant waiver for late submissions

date_range Published 01 Nov 2022
Download now (PDF 164 KB) get_appGrant of Waiver for Submission_Ngati Toa (Te Runganga o Toa Rangatira)

date_range Published 09 Feb 2023
Download now (PDF 230 KB) get_appWithdrawn submission:
- S81 Anne Nelson - 24 January 2023
Withdrawn submission points:
Like all planning documents, RPS Change 1 is complex to navigate and understand. If you would like some assistance, a ‘Friend of Submitters’ is available during the submission period to assist submitters. The Friend of Submitters is fully independent and has not been involved in developing RPS Change 1. You can contact her by sending an email to
Further Submissions
Further Submissions opened on 5 December and closed at 5pm on 19 December 2022.
The further submission period for the Proposed Plan Change 1 to the RPS was publicly notified on 5 December 2022: You can view the public notice – Further submissions here - 5 December 2022 (PDF 167 KB)
Further Submissions received - Combined
RPS-Change-1-Raw Further Submissions - Combined

date_range Published 09 Feb 2023
Download now (PDF 13 MB) get_appWhat is a further submission?
The scope of a further submission is narrower than the first round of submissions. A further submission is a submission made in support of, or opposition to, another person or party’s submission point made in the first round of submissions.
Further submissions must be limited to those matters raised in submissions. It provides an opportunity to assess the effect an original submission may have on you, and to have your views considered by the Council alongside the original submission.
Who could have made a further submission
A further submission may only be made on the RPS Plan Change 1 by a person who:
- Represents a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
- Has an interest in the proposal that is greater than the interest of the general public.
(an explanation for how you qualify for this category must also be provided)
- The local authority itself.
- If you require more space than the table in the form provides you can attach additional pages as required.
- When using the Further Submission form (PDF 234 KB) you MUST complete all sections of this form for the further submission to be accepted.
(Please note – an electronic copy is our preferred method)
Due to delays in postal services and the timeframe for making further submissions we highly recommend that an electronic copy of your Further submission is provided by the closing date.
You must send a copy of your further submission to the original submitter.
Any person making a further submission must serve a copy of that submission on the original submitter no later than five working days after the submission has been provided to Greater Wellington. Each submitter has an address for service available here.
If you have made a further submission on a number of original submissions, then copies of your further submission will need to be served with each original submitter.
If you have any questions regarding the Further Submission process, please email our independent Friend of the Submitter at:
Note that under the RMA all submissions and accompanying data must be made available for public inspection. To achieve that, we will make all Further submissions and accompanying data public on our website.
For more information regarding this process and your privacy please view our Privacy Statement (PDF 218 KB) .
The Council has extended the timeframe for the lodgment of further submissions from 10 working days to 11 working days under Section 37 of the Resource Management Act 1991. This extension has been provided to enable more time for further submissions to be made. Here is the document that sets out the reasons in full for this extension of time: Memorandum - Further Submission period – Extension (PDF 288 KB) .
Grant of Waiver for Submission_Beef + Lamb New Zealand (PDF 159 KB)
Grant of Waiver for Submission_Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki (PDF 182 KB)
- Summary of submissions (alphabetical order by submitter name) (PDF 10 MB)
- Summary of submissions (ordered by chapter and provision) (PDF 7.6 MB)
Errors and Omissions in Summary of Submissions
An Addendum to the Summary of Decisions Requested has been publicly notified to address errors and omissions in the Summary of Decisions Requested document.
Public notices:
- Read the full Public Notice – Addendum 1 to the Summary of Decisions Requested - 19 December 2022 (PDF 166 KB)
- Read the full Public Notice - Addendum 2 - Errors and Omissions RPS C1 - 18 January 2023 (PDF 171 KB)
- Read the full Public Notice - Addendum 3 - Errors and Omissions RPS C1 (PDF 165 KB) - 19 February 2023 (PDF 171 KB) ( PDF 165 KB)
- Read the full Public Notice - Addendum 4 -to the Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 134 KB) - 16 May 2023 (PDF 171 KB)
- Read the Addendum 1 to the Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 258 KB)
- Read the Addendum 2 to Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 400 KB)
- Read the Addendum 3 to Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF)
- Read the Addendum 4 to Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 185 KB)
- Further submission form (Form 6) (PDF 234 KB)
- Memo explaining the time extension for making further submissions (PDF 288 KB)
- For more information regarding this and your privacy please view our Privacy Statement.
What happens next?
At the hearing of submissions, you will have an opportunity to speak in support of your submission.
The process for public participation after the Hearing will depend on the planning process (i.e. Freshwater Planning Process or Standard Part 1 Schedule1 process) for a particular provision.
For provisions following the Freshwater Planning Process (FPP) (Part 4 of RMA Schedule 1): | For provisions following the standard process under Part 1 of Schedule 1 (P1S1) of the RMA: |
We’ll provide public notice of our decisions based on recommendations from the FPP Hearing Panel. | We’ll provide public notice of the Hearing Panel's recommendations and then public notice of our final decisions based on the recommendations from the P1S1 Hearing Panel. |
There is a limited opportunity for submitters to appeal to the Environment Court or High Court depending on whether Greater Wellington accepts or rejects the recommendations of the freshwater hearings panel. | There is an opportunity for submitters to appeal to the Environment Court. |
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800 496 734
- Email: