
Further Submissions

What happens next?

At the hearing of submissions, you will have an opportunity to speak in support of your submission.

The process for public participation after the Hearing will depend on the planning process (i.e. Freshwater Planning Process or Standard Part 1 Schedule1 process) for a particular provision.   

For provisions following the Freshwater Planning Process (FPP) (Part 4 of RMA Schedule 1):  For provisions following the standard process under Part 1 of Schedule 1 (P1S1) of the RMA:  
We’ll provide public notice of our decisions based on recommendations from the FPP Hearing Panel.   We’ll provide public notice of the Hearing Panel's recommendations and then public notice of our final decisions based on the recommendations from the P1S1 Hearing Panel.  
There is a limited opportunity for submitters to appeal to the Environment Court or High Court depending on whether Greater Wellington accepts or rejects the recommendations of the freshwater hearings panel.  There is an opportunity for submitters to appeal to the Environment Court. 

Read about the RPS hearings

Updated May 13, 2024 at 1:58 PM

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0800 496 734