Nigel Corry
Te Tumu Whakarae Chief Executive
Lian Butcher
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Taiao Group Manager, Environment Group
- Biosecurity
- Flood protection
- Land management
- Biodiversity
- Environmental science
- Environmental policy
- Environmental regulation
- Harbours
- Parks
Julie Knauf
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Ratonga Rangapū Group Manager, Corporate Services Group
- Information and communications technology
- Legal, procurement, and asset management
- Programme Management Office
- Water supply (Wellington Water relationship)
Donna Hickey
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Whakamāhorahora Group Manager, People and Customer Group
- Customer contact
- Customer engagement
- Health and safety
- Human resources
Samantha Gain
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Waka-ā-atea Group Manager, Metlink
- Delivery of public transport to communities within Greater Wellington
- Engagement with communities and customers
- Guardian of Metlink’s assets and infrastructure, including data and technology
- Commercial relationships with partners, including Operators and Kiwirail
- Design and monitoring the performance of public transport networks
- Long-term planning of public transport needs
- Ongoing business development opportunities for public transport
Luke Troy
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Rautaki Group Manager, Strategy Group
- Democratic Services
- Regional Transport Planning
- Strategic and Corporate Planning
- Economic Development
- Business Continuity
- CCO Management
- Climate Change
Monica Fraser
Te Pou Whakarae Group Manager, Māori Te Hunga Whiriwhiri
Alison Trustrum-Rainey
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Pūtea me ngā Tūraru Group Manager, Finance and Risk
- Financial Strategy and Planning
- Financial Accounting and Transactional Services
- Finance Business Partnering
- Treasury
- Commercial partnerships
- Assurance
- Risk
- Insurance
Matthew O'Driscoll
Kaiwhakahaere Matua Pāpāho Manager Customer Engagement
- Design, insight and brand
- Digital, websites and apps
- External relations
- Marketing and communications
Rebecca Dobbs
Kaiāwhina Matua ki te Tumu Whakarae Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive
Executive Assistant to Chair Kaiāwhina Matua ki te Heamana