Still time to join the Let's Get Wellington Moving conversation

  • Published Date 12 May 2016

More than 10,000 have already, and there's still time for more people to share their views about travelling in and through central Wellington, with six days to go before the getwellymoving online survey closes.

Jim Bentley, director of the Let's Get Wellington Moving programme, says more than 10,000 people have taken part in the conversation so far through the website, social media, street surveys, phone surveys, Wellington City and Regional Council research panels and community drop in sessions.

"Whether it's a comment on a Facebook post or a chat with one of the team at a drop-in session, all conversations are valid and we'll be including them all in our analysis. We'd love to hear from as many people as possible - whether they travel in or through this area twice a day or twice a year, or whether they live in Mt Victoria, Miramar or Upper Hutt,  each person's view is valid and relevant."

The website was the most popular way for people to take part in the conversation. So far, more than 5000 people have provided feedback in some way on the website, by either completing the survey or answering some quickfire questions. And people are not just visiting once, almost 30% of them are coming back to see what people are saying.

"We'll have a very challenging and interesting task after the survey closes next Wednesday (18 May) as we move into developing  principles, based on the views that people have shared. Those principles will guide the creation and assessment of a range of possible scenarios for keeping Wellington moving, vibrant and a fantastic place to live."

Let's Get Wellington Moving is focused on the area between Ngauranga and Wellington Airport encompassing the Wellington Urban Motorway to Wellington Hospital and International Airport and connections to the eastern and southern suburbs.   The programme, a joint initiative of Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and the NZ Transport Agency, aims to find agreed, effective transport solutions to help keep Wellington vibrant and one of the best places to live.




Updated April 29, 2022 at 9:19 AM

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