It’s Spade Aid speed planting day in QEP coming up on 29 July

  • Published Date 16 Jul 2018

The transformation of Queen Elizabeth Park will continue next weekend (Sunday 29 July) with a mass planting by volunteers from the community, families, corporate teams and Greater Wellington Regional Council staff as people gather to take part in the annual Spade Aid event.

"Queen Elizabeth Park is changing, and for the better", says Greater Wellington councillor Prue Lamason. "Restoration of the park depends on large scale community participation in planting. It's what drives the landscapes and habitats of the future and bonds the communities on which we depend to the park."

Last year more than 300 people turned up, a testament to the popularity of the park and the positive community feeling towards it.

"Without volunteer effort we simply couldn't push ahead with our vision of a park that returns to its past glory as a storehouse of habitat for native birds and other animals."

Recent years have seen big changes in the park, with the development of the Te Ara O Whareroa trail, significant retirement of land from farming, restoration of waterways and a start on the full restoration of its north east peatlands.

The focus of this year's Spade Aid will be on restoring the area near Kāpiti Aeromodellers airstrip, the Whareroa Stream and Te Ara o Whareroa trail. Some 5000 pioneer species trees will go in, a mix of pioneer species such as Cabbage Tree, Ngaio, Akeake, Flax, Kanuka, Manuka, Ribbonwood, Mahoe, Broadleaf, Lemonwood and Five Finger.

Even if volunteers have never picked up a spade in their lives and they can’t tell the difference between a Manuka and a Matai, they shouldn't be put off from lending a hand. It's not about being an expert, it's about pitching in and being part of the restoration plan for one of Greater Wellington's awesome natural playgrounds.

While the main focus is on the planting the event will also be a fun family affair. Local musicians will play throughout the day and there will be a huge supply of the sausages being sizzled over which the community can connect.

Event details -

When: Sunday 29 July from 10:00 am until all planted. Come early.

Where: Whareroa Beach (Mackays Crossing entrance, Queen Elizabeth Park)

Are you interested? Register your interest in attending on our Facebook events page.


Updated April 28, 2022 at 11:57 AM

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