Greater Wellington adopts 2022/23 Annual Plan progresses its long term vision

  • Published Date 01 Jul 2022
  • Author Emma Harrison

Greater Wellington has adopted its 2022/23 Annual Plan, which sets its programme of work and budget for the upcoming year. It is the first annual plan since last year’s adoption of its 2021-31 Long Term Plan.

Despite a challenging operating environment affected by cost pressures, Greater Wellington continues to work towards its broad long-term vision for the region.

“We will maintain momentum towards realising our 10-year plan, which sets a strong partnership focus with mana whenua and a clear direction to become a more resilient, carbon neutral and economically secure region,” says Greater Wellington chair Daran Ponter.

“Partnership and collaboration remain a key focus for Greater Wellington as we build off last year’s mahi. Improved outcomes for mana whenua and Māori, and impactful action on climate change, requires a beyond-organisation approach – long-term investment into collaboration with our communities and partnership with mana whenua is a necessity.”

The average Rates increase for the delivery of Greater Wellington’s 2022/23 programme of work remains as indicated in year two of the 2021-31 Long Term Plan.

Council adopted two other key policies.

Its Revenue and Financing policy, which describes how the regional council funds its expenditure and outlines the sources of funding council uses for each activity using funding tools including general rates, targeted rates, fixed rates, fees and charges, was adopted.

The policy has been under review since September 2021 and went through both an early public engagement process and an official public consultation in March/April 2022.

Some of the key changes included funding for the predator control programme – now to be funded through general rates - flood protection in the Wairarapa, and regional economic development, as well as policy updates for Public Transport.

The Rates Remissions on Māori Land Policy was also adopted. The policy offers wider support to owners of whenua Māori to look after the whenua for current and future generations. It supports improving outcomes for mana whenua and Māori, expanding the eligibility, and therefore the opportunity, for rates remission on a broader range of Māori land.

Greater Wellington will remit up to 100 percent of rates on eligible land for up to three years, subject to the use or purpose of the land continuing to meet a range of enabling criteria.

“This is a tangible way to support Māori development,” says Daran Ponter.

Read more on Council meeting agenda (PDF 28 MB)

Read more on 2022/23 Annual Plan


Updated July 1, 2022 at 6:50 PM

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