Time to register for Movin' March

  • Published Date 19 Feb 2020

Movin' March is fast approaching but there is still time for schools to sign up for the month-long free initiative that encourages students to walk, cycle and scoot to school.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Travel Choice Coordinator Kirsty Barr says so far 122 schools have already jumped on board for 2020.

"Last year over 33,000 students took part in Movin' March, but this year we are aiming even higher."

"We have introduced a brand new challenge called Movin' Minds which is aimed at students in Years 4-8. This is a multi-media competition where older students can creatively think about how to persuade their peers to walk or wheel to school."

"Intermediate and primary schools that haven't registered before will be eligible for our prize draw to win one of one of two $100 Prezzy cards - all they need to do is register before 28 February," Kirsty says.

The theme for this year is 'planet-friendly', so the Movin' March team have put plastic in the past and have an entirely new range of spot prizes which are kinder on the planet.

"Children who took part in last year's Movin' March let us know they were keen to be more environmentally-friendly so we decided that distributing air-freighted plastic items that would end up in a landfill was the wrong way to go."

"It was inspiring to see students take charge and express their concern for the planet. All of our merchandise and prizes this year have a much stronger environmental focus."

As well as new competitions aimed at older students, there are more classroom resources for teachers to integrate Movin' March into the school curriculum, more Te Reo options, a refreshed Movin' March website and more prizes than ever before.

"This month is all about encouraging children to not only get active, but also to think about why it is important to exercise, and how sustainable travel positively effects the environment," Kirsty says.

For more information visit the Movin'March website

Updated February 25, 2022 at 9:54 AM

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