Talk to us about Wairarapa’s new draft flood maps

  • Published Date 14 Nov 2022
  • Author Emma Harrison
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Three new draft flood maps covering Carterton’s Mangatārere Steam, Masterton’s Waipoua River and reaches and some tributaries of the Upper Ruamāhanga – will be on display between 19-27 November at various locations in Wairarapa.

The maps were developed alongside the community using input from flood protection experts and the latest flood modelling technology. They provide sophisticated up-to-date information on the projected extent of flooding during a significant rain event.

Greater Wellington’s Wairarapa Councillor, Adrienne Staples, urged people to become familiar with the maps, which are key documents in ensuring public safety and protecting assets.

“It’s in everyone’s interest that we are all on the same page when it comes to understanding the risk of flooding and the options before us for mitigating its impact. The maps are a big step forward in ensuring that, and I urge people make themselves familiar with the potential extent of flooding in their communities.”

The maps will be on display in drop-in centres in Masterton, Carterton, Mauriceville and Gladstone where people involved with their development will be on hand to discuss the maps and answer questions from the public.

Masterton District Council Chief Executive and project team member David Hopman said that understanding future risks was a focus of this work and he hoped that members of the public would find the maps reassuring

“Since being built, the stop banks have never breached, but this analysis has shown that there are future risks, and understanding these will inform mitigations needed to protect the town.”

Carterton project team member Esther Dijkstra said, of the Mangatārere Stream map, “the process of updating it has been robust. It’s been great to see members of the community feeding invaluable local knowledge into the development of the map.”

The new draft maps are timely because flooding is likely to increase in the future as climate change brings more severe weather. So, understanding flood risk is more important than ever to being prepared for the future.

Creating the draft maps was a key stage in the development process. After an independent audit the maps will be finalised, after which they will be provided to local district councils for inclusion in the Wairarapa District Plan.  The Wairarapa Combined District Plan Committee can then use the maps when making decisions on rules for building new homes and making changes to existing homes.  

The maps will be on display, accompanied by the project teams that created them, between 19-27 November at various locations, and are also available on Greater Wellington’s website at from now until 6 December 2022.

Updated November 14, 2022 at 4:27 PM

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