Satisfaction Steady with Wellington Public Transport

  • Published Date 07 Aug 2017

An annual customer satisfaction survey of public transport in the Wellington region shows satisfaction on par with last year's survey at 92%.

Barbara Donaldson, Chair of the Regional Transport Committee, says over 3,800 customers were surveyed and the results showcase Wellington's Metlink public transport network is continuing to achieve a very high standard of service.

"There are always areas that require an ongoing focus and that's why public feedback is important to us. We will continually strive to provide the region's commuters the best public transport network in the country and, particularly this coming year, people are going to notice some great changes."

Key results from the survey show:

Overall satisfaction with the current trip remained stable and on par with the previous survey at 92%, with the ferry services enjoying a slight increase (+2) to 99%.

  • Bus 92% (down 2%)
  • Train 93% (steady 0%)
  • Harbour ferry 99% (up 2%)
  • Personal security during the trip:
    • Bus 95% (steady 0%)
    • Train 96% (steady 0%)
    • Harbour ferry 99% (down 1%)

Other key results included:

  • 89% (steady 0%) saying they were satisfied with the attitude of the driver or staff
  • 80% (up 3%) of rail passengers feel they have enough seats available
  • 87% (down 2%) Would recommend Metlink Services to others

In another survey in May, 450 customers were asked what they thought of Metlink’s website with most features rating 4 out of 5 for ease of use.

Councillor Donaldson says customers gave some really useful feedback.

"Thanks to public input, in the next few weeks there will be changes in the website's journey planner and a new "Locate" option to allow customers to track their bus on a map.

"We now have over 25,000 people signed up with a My Metlink account and over 10,500 Twitter uses. With the stormy winter Wellington's been having, signing up or following us is useful for receiving notifications and alerts on services when there's a weather event, road closure or breakdown."

To create a Metlink account, please go to or you can follow us at @metlinkwgtn.

You can read a summary of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Public Transport Satisfaction Survey (PDF 33 KB) .

The full report and infographic will be loaded on the Metlink website soon.

New websites to help communities before, during, and after a crisis

Two new websites, developed by the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO), were launched this week.

One helps people find out what’s happening in their communities during and after an emergency. The other helps people prepare before the big one hits.

The two new websites provide reliable information for people across the region.  - provides local information when an emergency happens and is also the corporate site for WREMO.  - contains everything people across our region need to get prepared before any emergency occurs.

“The two new websites, along with our Facebook page, are our key communications channels for the people of our region. During an emergency we need people to quickly understand what is happening in their area and how it might affect them, so they can make the best decisions for them and their families,” says Bruce Pepperell Regional Manager at the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office.

“Working with local councils’ communications people, we know that if an earthquake, tsunami or any other emergency happens, the new WREMO website can be updated quickly and easily. This will be a reliable source of information giving people of the region more certainty about what they need to do”.

"People need specific, targeted and correct information they can follow. We need people to follow official warnings, and it’s imperative they use a credible source for disaster information. These new websites, along with our Facebook page, are those credible sources,” says Mr Pepperell.

“Plus by having information to help people get prepared separated from operational information, means we can best meet the needs of both types of users. It gives us flexibility and our region certainty.”

Following extensive feedback after November’s earthquake, the need to provide localised information became a key priority for WREMO.

Last Novembers’ event saw an increase of 76.9% new users come to WREMO’s website for information, particularly to find tsunami evacuation zone information. Over 160,000 people accessed WREMO’s emergency information within the first hour of the 14 November earthquake. By making these two websites mobile friendly means clear information gets out to where it’s needed, when it’s needed.




New websites to help communities before, during, and after a crisis

Two new websites, developed by the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO), were launched this week.

One helps people find out what’s happening in their communities during and after an emergency. The other helps people prepare before the big one hits.

The two new websites provide reliable information for people across the region. - provides local information when an emergency happens and is also the corporate site for WREMO. - contains everything people across our region need to get prepared before any emergency occurs.

“The two new websites, along with our Facebook page, are our key communications channels for the people of our region. During an emergency we need people to quickly understand what is happening in their area and how it might affect them, so they can make the best decisions for them and their families,” says Bruce Pepperell Regional Manager at the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office.

“Working with local councils’ communications people, we know that if an earthquake, tsunami or any other emergency happens, the new WREMO website can be updated quickly and easily. This will be a reliable source of information giving people of the region more certainty about what they need to do”.

"People need specific, targeted and correct information they can follow. We need people to follow official warnings, and it’s imperative they use a credible source for disaster information. These new websites, along with our Facebook page, are those credible sources,” says Mr Pepperell.

“Plus by having information to help people get prepared separated from operational information, means we can best meet the needs of both types of users. It gives us flexibility and our region certainty.”

Following extensive feedback after November’s earthquake, the need to provide localised information became a key priority for WREMO.

Last Novembers’ event saw an increase of 76.9% new users come to WREMO’s website for information, particularly to find tsunami evacuation zone information. Over 160,000 people accessed WREMO’s emergency information within the first hour of the 14 November earthquake. By making these two websites mobile friendly means clear information gets out to where it’s needed, when it’s needed.





Updated April 28, 2022 at 2:44 PM

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