Restoration Day to thank Wairarapa environmental groups

  • Published Date 20 Apr 2022
  • Author Emma Harrison
Measuring kakahi
Stories of the people


Greater Wellington is asking those interested in restoring the environment to

Register for Restoration Day 

Held on Saturday 28 May, the annual event is thanking local environmental restoration groups for their efforts.

Taking place in Wairarapa, it’s run by Greater Wellington in collaboration with Mana Whenua and local partners says Ali Caddy, Biodiversity Manager at Greater Wellington

“Due to COVID, we’ve made some changes to the usual in person gathering. We’re hosting an online webinar for people to attend from home and there will separate registration for all field trips.

Field trips will take place across the Wairarapa in late April and on the weekend of the webinar.

“This is to ensure the event can still happen safely and continue to celebrate the hugely important environmental mahi happening in our region across the numerous groups involved”.

“We are hosting an online debate, with five experts discussing innovative new ideas about how we can enable everyone to recognise and value Wairarapa Moana for the taonga (treasure) it truly is, so we can work together to turn it back into the jewel of the Wairarapa said Tessa Bunny, Restoration Day Event Manager

“It’s great to focus this year on Wairarapa Moana - it is our receiving environment, a place where all our water, clean and unclean, ends up and it’s fantastic to have an expert panel divulge their ideas on how this can be done ” added Tessa.

This is further reflected in the online event with keynote speaker Rawiri Smith from Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa speaking about restoring the values of the Moana with his speech: ‘Wairarapa Moana: Restoration in the too hard basket?’ which asks the question: how do we lift Wairarapa Moana from the too hard basket and restore its value?”

Field trips to Kohunui Marae and a two-part visit to Wairarapa Moana will follow the presentation and debate.

“Mountains to Sea are presenting a wonderful two-part field trip. It has an exciting hands-on component to see native fish up close and walk and talk around the wetland system at Barton’s Lagoon.

For Tessa, it’s apt the day ends with a community led activity, as it underpins the theme of the day.

“Celebrations and sharing of experiences, whether it’s the webinar or through field trips, connect people to an important kaupapa (subject). We hope to inspire people to take ideas and use them in their local streams, rivers and urban areas and greenspaces.

“Restoration Day is the opportune way to do this. Join us to explore and be inspired by restoration efforts in the Wairarapa” says Tessa.

Find out more and register for all field trips and the webinar online


Updated April 20, 2022 at 10:03 AM

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