Public Transport Advisory Group sets the wheels in motion

  • Published Date 01 May 2020

At this week's Council meeting, Greater Wellington Regional Council appointed 17 members to the Public Transport Advisory Group to help shape the region's transport.

The Advisory Group was established to provide consumer advice to help inform Greater Wellington's Metlink business and Transport Committee.

The appointed members cover a variety of perspectives and as a whole the group provides a geographic and demographic range to reflect the diversity of our region.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Transport Chair Roger Blakeley says, "We've learnt from the bus network review that it's vital to have all members of the community alongside us when we develop future plans."

"We have people with perspectives that cover peak and off-peak users for rail and bus, walking, cycling and e-scooters, rural and urban, disability accessibility, tertiary students, youth and senior citizens."

Applications opened back in March 2020, however Greater Wellington is seeking further applications from people who can represent the following underrepresented perspectives: mana whenua, Māori, employers, and the retail and business sector. 

In addition, Greater Wellington is seeking applications from people in the Kāpiti Coast area.

"It's exciting to have on board a knowledgeable, passionate and diverse group of people who are committed to looking at the bigger picture of achieving an outstanding public transport system in the Wellington Region," says Cr Blakeley.

Find out more information or place an application for the Public Transport Advisory Group.

Updated February 24, 2022 at 11:45 AM

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