Plans for safer roads, lower emissions and more active travel

  • Published Date 18 Feb 2020

The Regional Transport Committee today agreed to a vision for a strategic framework that will see safer roads, lower transport generated emissions and an increase in active travel and public transport mode share, over the next 10 years.

Regional Transport Committee Chair Adrienne Staples says the headline targets set out for the Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 focus on specific elements of the plan's proposed 30 year vision.

"These headline targets aim to see a 40 per cent reduction in deaths and serious injuries on our roads, 30 per cent reduction in transport generated carbon emissions and 40 per cent increase in active travel and public transport mode share, all by 2030."

"These goals aim to reflect the mix of urban, suburban and rural transport settings across our diverse region. They are ambitious targets that aim to shift the region towards a more sustainable future."

"The RLTP 2021 will include a monitoring framework which will observe progress towards each of these objectives and ensure we are on track to meeting the targets set out," Cr Staples says. 

The deaths and serious injuries target aligns with the target in Central Government's 'Road to Zero', New Zealand road safety strategy.

"It is really important that we line up with national targets on this. There is no excuse for the number of deaths and serious injuries that occur on our roads each year."

"The transport-generated carbon emissions target aligns with the target in the Climate Change Response Act 2002 of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 as well as the Regional Council's own commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030," Cr Staples says.

The mode share of active travel and public transport target is set at a level to reflect aspirations for good, affordable travel choices and a reduction in carbon emissions.

"A number of programmes that will assist in delivering on these targets are already underway, including Let's Get Wellington Moving and the Wellington Rail Upgrade."

"Our 30 year vision statement for the RLTP is to have a connected region with safe, accessible and liveable places where people can easily, safely and sustainably access the things that matter to them - and where goods are moved efficiently, sustainably and reliably."

Updated February 25, 2022 at 9:56 AM

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