Melling Interchange funding will unlock RiverLink's potential

  • Published Date 29 Jan 2020

Greater Wellington Regional Council welcomes the announcement of funding for Lower Hutt’s Melling Interchange, which was announced today as part of the Government's infrastructure funding package, saying it will unlock the full potential of the critical RiverLink flood protection scheme.

Hutt Valley Flood Management Subcommittee chair Cr Prue Lamason said the $258 million in funding was fundamental to delivering the benefits of flood protection to Lower Hutt.

"Construction of a new interchange and road bridge will ensure we can widen the river channel at the current Melling Bridge site and more effectively control the flow of the river. It will enable the higher standard of flood control designed into the RiverLink scheme, which is essential in view of the likely impact of more significant flood events arising from climate change."

"The announcement gives us the confidence we need to get on and progress RiverLink, which will protect the people and assets of Lower Hutt. We have maintained the momentum of the project while lobbying, along with project partners and supporters, for investment in the interchange and we are glad the Government listened to our case for funding."

"We also appreciate the pace of the Melling project, due for completion in 2026, which is essential to the completion of the wider RiverLink plan. In the case of serious flooding, it's a question of when and not if so getting on with RiverLink and the installation of enhanced flood protection measures as soon as possible is vital."

Updated February 25, 2022 at 12:22 PM

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