Last chance to submit on the Proposed Natural Resources Plan for the Wellington Region

  • Published Date 18 Sep 2015

The submission period for the Proposed Natural Resources Plan for the Wellington Region closes next Friday.

The main areas of interest to submitters so far include biosecurity, environmental protection, water quality and requests to allow for practical solutions.

Council chair Chris Laidlaw says a huge effort has been made to ensure everyone has had an opportunity to be involved and have their say.

"Because people and organisations use our natural capital for a variety of reasons there is a range of economic, spiritual, cultural and environmental interests that need to be considered. The Regional Council undertook a five year programme of engagement with stakeholders, mana whenua and the regional community and some 1400 people have participated in the process to date."

While not everyone will agree with all aspects of the Proposed Plan Te Upoko Taiao believes an acceptable balance between the material needs of people and the integrity of the natural resource base has been achieved.

"It was clear from the beginning that many felt a sense of responsibility for the environment or Kaitiakitanga, and as a result the objectives, policies and methods contained in the Plan recognise the shared values of the community, mana whenua and the Council," says Cr Laidlaw.

The 500 plus page Plan and Section 32 Reports which outline the decision-making processes, are available for viewing on Greater Wellington Regional Council's website, or call 04 384 5708 for a USB copy.  Hard copies of the plan can be viewed from the Wellington and Masterton Regional Council Offices.

Submission forms are available on the Greater Wellington Regional Council's website.


Submissions will be accepted until 5.00 pm Friday 25 September 2015



Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:35 AM

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