Greater Wellington's 2021-31 Long Term Plan adopted

  • Published Date 29 Jun 2021

A long term plan focused on meeting the challenge of climate change and building regional resilience was adopted today by Greater Wellington.

The 2021-31 Long Term Plan, which sets Greater Wellington's priorities and budget for the next ten years, was developed over the past 18 months, and has climate change as its driving factor.

"Since declaring a regional climate emergency, Greater Wellington has focused on how it can reduce emissions and improve the region's resilience to the impact of climate change,” says Greater Wellington Chair, Daran Ponter.

"I'd like to thank the many people and organisations for their engagement with the plan and for helping shape the region's progress over the next decade, because there's no way of avoiding the vital issues the plan covers. Many are fundamental to our wellbeing and directly affect how we live. This is a transformational plan for uncertain times."

The plan delivers a strong commitment to Greater Wellington's 'Carbon Neutral by 2030' and 'Climate Positive by 2035' goals, featuring  a programme of public transport decarbonisation and the phasing out of grazing in our regional parks and restoring the land back to its natural state.

"The key to getting to carbon neutral is knocking back public transport emissions. Bus emissions currently make up 70 per cent of Metlink’s carbon footprint, or 35 per cent of Greater Wellington's footprint, and moving to reduce them makes real sense.

"Decarbonisation means moving to electricity to power all of our buses, and eventually, trains. So far, we have 98 electric buses in the fleet and more on order. But we need to make a step change to meet out climate goals.

"So we're glad the public favoured our proposal that all existing and additional buses (bar a few for emergencies) be replaced with, or converted to, battery electric power when contracts with bus service providers are renewed in 2027 and 2030.

"We also want to move to all-electric trains in Wairarapa and Manawatū over the next decade. This will cost something like $1.1 billion over 10 year, " Says Cr Ponter.

Public Consultation on the draft plan ran for 32 days in April/May and 331 formal submissions, of which 57 were heard at public hearings, were received.

There was majority public support for the preferred 'go fast, invest now' option for all three of the plan's priority consultation initiatives (electrification of the transport network, restoration of regional parks and support for the regional joint committee with a secretariat), which is reflected in the final plan.

As a consequence, in the first year of the plan (2021/22) the average annual rates increase is 12.95 percent. This equates to approximately a region-wide average increase per week of:

  • $1.31 (incl. GST) for the residential ratepayer
  • $5.01 (excl. GST) for the business ratepayer
  • $1.65 (excl. GST) for the rural ratepayer.

The average annual rates increase across the Wellington Region over the life of this plan are:





















The plan delivers strongly on Greater Wellington's broader strategic framework - focussing delivery on four overarching areas

  • Responding to the climate emergency
  • Improving outcomes for mana whenua and Māori
  • Adapting and responding to the impacts of COVID-19
  • Aligning with government direction

A number of other notable decisions were made on environment protection matters.

The post-consultation budget was increased funding for Predator-Free Wellington Ltd for the accelerated five-phase roll out of pest control in Wellington City.

The Mauri Tūhono ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Regional Biodiversity Framework) Working Group had its funding brought forward to ensure the success of the programme.

Regional parks received additional resource to help cope with the volume of projects on hand and volunteers management.

Investment was also agreed in the Whaitua Implementation Programme, with  Te Awarua-o-Porirua / Porirua Harbour receiving funds to both reduce sediment entering the harbour and take action to remove it.

The Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) requires the Council to develop a Long Term Plan. This is a 10 year plan, updated every three years, and incorporates the Annual Plan for the first year.

This LTP will be available to the public in mid-July via the Greater Wellington Website, and hard copies will be available in your local library from approximately 28 July.

Updated March 30, 2022 at 12:41 PM

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