Drawing attention to Wairarapa Moana

  • Published Date 06 Oct 2015

Stunning new entrance signs have been installed at seven locations around Wairarapa Moana. Each of the signs highlights species particularly relevant to the specific site and features some of the iconic birds and plants of the lake, estuary and wetlands of the Wairarapa Moana complex.

"These beautiful signs are the first step in a series of developments to improve the visitor experience" says the Chair of the Wairarapa Moana Wetlands Governance Group, Fran Wilde. "Wairarapa Moana is a wetland treasure that we want more people to visit and appreciate but without good signs and other facilities this is difficult to achieve. We have a ten year plan of improvements aimed at enhancing the recreational and educational experience of visitors to the wetlands and in particular to help connect visitors to the lake shore and biodiversity-rich wetland areas."

The Wairarapa Moana Wetlands project is a long-term collaboration between South Wairarapa District Council, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Rangitāne o Wairarapa and Papawai and Kohunui marae, Department of Conservation and Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Amongst the other improvements underway this year are a new entrance way and carpark at Lake Domain, enhancement of walking opportunities at the popular Wairio Wetlands and a new visitor brochure. Subsequent years will see toilets, picnic facilities, shelters, plantings and other enhancements installed.

Fran Wilde notes however that the next major step will be providing relevant information by way of interpretation facilities at each of the key visitor sites. "By telling the historical, cultural and ecological stories of Wairarapa Moana we can open up a whole new world of understanding to the visitor and add value to their experience".




Seven signs have been installed at Wairarapa Moana:


  • long-fin eel, or tūna, at Lake Onoke
  • Caspian tern, or taranui, at Onoke Spit
  • grey teal, or pohoriki, at Pounui Wetland
  • NZ pigeon, or keruru, at Wairarapa Lakeshore Scenic Reserve,
  • NZ dabchick, or weweia, at Boggy Pond
  • royal spoonbill, or kotuku ngutupapa, at Wairio Wetland
  • black shag, or kawau tūi, at Lake Domain

Media contact: 021 914 266


Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:29 AM

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