Community voice to be heard at climate change summit

  • Published Date 03 Mar 2020

Greater Wellington Regional Council is pleased to take part in this weekend's Takutai Kāpiti Summit - a Climate Change Summit run by Kāpiti Coast District Council.

Greater Wellington Climate Committee Chair Thomas Nash says this level of community engagement is exactly what we need in order to prepare for the effects of our changing climate.

"The timing of the summit is ideal, with preparations underway for the inaugural meeting of Greater Wellington's new Climate Committee meeting at Waiwhetu Marae on 24 March."

"The Kāpiti Coast is already grappling with the impacts of climate change along the coastline. This climate reality must guide our work to prepare and protect communities and to transform our economy now so that it is fit for purpose in the 21st century."

"Regional and local government have a big role to play in this transition and this is precisely why we have established a dedicated climate committee," Cr Nash says.

The summit is an opportunity for residents of Kāpiti to hear from mana whenua, local and national leaders, as well as climate change experts, about the challenges ahead.

"This is an ongoing conversation with local people. The communities most affected by climate change should be part of the decision making process and the development of solutions for adapting to it."

"Coastal hazards are a big issue in Kāpiti, and if we want effective coastal management any coastal hazards plan change will allow for communities to submit on a full range of options," Cr Nash says.

Greater Wellington will have a stand at the summit with copies of the Preparing Coastal Communities for Climate Change Report, vulnerability maps of the Kāpiti Coast, and two interactive tools available for attendees to try out.

"With a new committee to hold ourselves to account, all of Greater Wellington's work will now be looked at through a climate lens. We have committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and we intend to demonstrate leadership and share what we learn on our journey with others."

"We want to stand with the Kāpiti Coast District Council, mana whenua and the communities on the frontlines of the climate revolution that we all need to get behind with everything we've got," Cr Nash says.

The summit will be held at Ngā Purapura in Ōtaki on March 8. Find out more about the summit and how to get involved.

Updated February 25, 2022 at 9:11 AM

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