Collaborative approach to flood protection in Masterton

  • Published Date 19 Jun 2015

A collaborative approach to flood protection in Masterton, with the long-term objective of achieving a 100-year level of protection, plus allowance for climate change, has been has been agreed by Masterton District Council (MDC) and Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC).  

Recent floodplain modelling work carried out by the two councils confirmed that a flood risk exists for the town although MDC has concluded that Masterton is protected to a one in 50 year flood.

Both councils agree that given the increased risk of extreme weather events and the challenges presented by climate change, additional protection is needed to ensure ongoing protection into the future.  

The initial focus will be on assessing and upgrading any potential 'weak points' in the town's flood protection, which might not meet the required base 50-year protection level.  This will provide information regarding the benefits and feasibility of staging any future upgrades, in order to spread the cost.  

"Our two organisations are most effective for our communities when we are working together towards common objectives," explained Masterton District Council CEO Pim Borren. "We have different responsibilities in terms of flood protection and land use, but share the one clear objective of ensuring that our community is adequately protected from the risk of flooding both now and in the future."

Greater Wellington Regional Council CEO Greg Campbell welcomed the collaboration.

"We have had some very productive discussions in recent weeks and good communication is the key to ensuring that we get the best possible result for the people of Masterton," he said. "Both councils are keen to work together on the solutions that are best for our community."

GWRC, with input from MDC, will be carrying out further options development work in the coming months through its Floodplain Management Plan process.


Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:57 AM

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